Chapter 17

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I started writing this on Michael's birthday, but something horrible happened in my family and I was upset for days and I really couldn't get over it. I'm sorry for the wait, I love you guys x

- a+l -

Michael looked down at his phone screen in shock, because of course he expected Ashton to have feelings for Luke. It was just common sense, seriously. And anyone who can't see that.. Well.

But Ashton actually told Michael. Like, seriously. How crazy is that? Why would Ashton even tell Luke's best friend about his feelings?

Michael exited out of his conversation with Ashton, opening up his text messages with Luke. 'Dude, ull nvr believe what just happened!!'

He was about to send it, his thumb was already hovering over the send button, and then he remembered. He promised Ashton.

The bad thing about that was.. Michael never ever breaks his promises. Even though he knows for a fact Luke likes Ashton as well, he still can't tell him, no matter how much we wants to.

Michael groaned softly to himself at that, biting down on his bottom lip. He can't do anything about it, since he promised. Well, does it still count even though he broke his promise for a really good reason?

Ugh, as much as he tried to convince himself, he knew it was still breaking a promise, which he never does. Promises are meant to be kept, they determine your trust for a person.

If you break that, you're not only breaking your promise, but you're breaking your trust as well. And trust is a very very important thing to Michael.

So basically, he can't tell Luke. But, he can drop hints, right? No. Oh! He could convince Luke to grow a pair and start taking things to the next level.

But Luke is.. Well, Luke is Luke. So taking things to the next level for Luke is probably like, telling Ashton what a good friend he is.

Luke's an idiot, really. But he's just one of those loveable idiots, you know? Like Calum. Calum is definitely a lovable idiot.

So Michael can either make Luke grow a pair, which would probably just take 4 months to start complementing Ashton, or drop hints to Ashton about Luke.

Why must their 'relationship' be so hard? Seriously. Well actually, he can't really blame Luke for being so horrible in relationships, because Michael can't even flirt with Calum.

He's too busy worrying about Ashton and Luke's relationship, he doesn't even have time to have thoughts about Calum anymore!

They used to be 50% cute thoughts, 40% dirty inappropriate thoughts, and 10% thoughts about their friendship.

Okay, who is he trying to fool? Michael still has thoughts about Calum all the time, it's probably not healthy for him, but since when does Michael care about being healthy anyways?

He soon realized that he didn't text Ashton back, which he quickly did so. 'I knew it, aha. I totally ship Lashton'

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, looking at his phone confused. Of course he knew what ship means, and he was guessing Lashton is him and Luke, but doesn't Michael like him, or something? Well, that's what Luke said..

'Haha well, thanks. I think.' He texted back, looking at Luke. Luke was already awake, which Ashton really did not know.

How long has he been awake? And why was he staring at Ashton like that? But sadly, Ashton is way too oblivious to notice the fond look Luke is giving him.

"Luke? Can I ask you something?" Ashton asked softly, looking back at his phone. Luke nodded, actually a bit scared to hear what question Ashton was going to ask.

"Yeah, of course. Go ahead Ash." Luke replied, hoping his voice didn't come out that shaky. Ashton refused to make eye contact with Luke, just staring at his phone still.

"Does Michael still have feelings for me? Did he ever even have feelings for me?" Ashton asked, for some stranger reason hoping the answer was 'No.'

Luke froze, his heart beating at a very quick pace in his chest. "Yes." He quickly lied, mentally slapping himself.

"Oh." Ashton replied, sighing softly. Michael was giving Ashton mixed emotions, which makes him honestly slightly confused about why Michael wants him and Luke together.

This was all too much for Ashton, really. He can't handle this! Does he even want a boyfriend? Well.. Does he want a boyfriend named Luke? Yes. Does he want anyone else besides Luke? Nope.

"He doesn't act like it." Ashton added to his last response, not making eye contact with Luke again.

"He thinks you like me." Luke blurted out, not having time to think. It wasn't necessarily a lie, because Michael does think that. But Ashton doesn't know anything else about it.

"Michael just wants you to be happy." Luke finished, playing with his own long slim fingers.

Ashton had to bite his tongue to stop himself from saying 'you make me happy.' Because he really really wants to say it.

Both of their hearts were racing, but no one broke the silence until Ashton finally decided to speak up. "Oh. That's weird."

It was obviously a lie, because Ashton seriously did like Luke a lot, but he wasn't gonna admit that. He regrets admitting it to Michael!

Luke smiled sadly, nodding. "Do you like Michael?" He asked, praying that the answer to that question is a no. He really hopes Ashton will scoff and give him a a confused look.

Ashton froze, feeling like he was seriously about to throw up and cry at the same time. Luke can't ask him that question! What is he supposed to say?

He's sure he could've thought of a good answer, but he panicked. There's no one else to blame besides himself, though. "Yes."


Michael frowned, rubbing Luke's lower back. "I was f-flirting with him all night, Michael!" Luke practically sobbed into his friends shoulder.

The red haired boy sighed softly, nodding. "It's okay, Luke." He murmured, kissing the top of his head. In a best friends kind of way, of course.

Luke came home from Ashton's house, straight to Michael's house. He told him everything that happened, and at some point, he even started crying.

He seriously isn't one to cry over things like this, the reasons usually being because of romance films or something like that.

Harry opened Michael's front door, rushing in after Louis. Of course they were together, when aren't they? They're so sickeningly cute, it makes him wanna punch them both.

Michael had to bite his tongue from telling Luke that Ashton doesn't like him, but he promised Ashton that he wouldn't, and he never breaks his promises.

Luke hugged Michael tightly, sniffling. "A-And now I'm left here wondering if I had just kept my mouth shut, would he not like you?"

Michael sighed softly, nodding. "I don't think he actually likes me, Luke. He probably just panicked. Because he likes you." He hinted, hoping Luke believed him.

Luke huffed and shook his head. "I wish." He muttered, rubbing at his cheeks furiously, once again.

Michael smiled sadly at Luke, wanting to reassure the boy that Ashton does like him, but he knows Luke won't believe him without seeing the messages, and that's something Michael just can't do.


Oh, and someone suggested that I should do a character ask :) how do you guys feel about that?

So comment if I should do a character ask

And comment if you want me to start doing QOTC (question of the chapter) because someone also suggested that :)

Much love! X

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