Chapter 10- A long night

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At present time, Y/N stood there, hands starting to shake.

"He's awfully comfortable with you.." Eve finally said breaking the silence. Its voice brought chills up Y/N's spine.

"That's good, so then I carry out my mission without fail," Y/N responded, voice shaking. Eve let out a little giggle.

"But you don't plan to, do you? I mean who is this useless man even to you? You've known him for a couple of days, then now suddenly he's important to you?" Eve said a little confused.

"He's not important to me," Y/N said sternly, trying to keep her teeth from chattering.

"Then why didn't you pull the trigger?" Y/N flinched, clenching her jaw.

"The..thunder..and I got distracted..! Then he woke up and.."

"weak" Eve interrupted in a more dark tone. Her legs started shaking. She didn't want to make Eve mad, that's when things would get worse.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I'll do it-"

"Remember when you were younger..? I taught you your first lesson. All humans are bugs. I explained it in such a fun way didn't I?" Eve said as a mischievous smile went onto her lips. A knot turned in Y/N's stomach as she remembered.

" was a good lesson Eve. I'll carry out my mission, is that what you wanted to hear?" Y/N replied trying to get out of Eve's hands already. It's been almost 3 years since Y/N has seen Eve, so she hated it.

"Lies," Eve said looking down. "I don't like liars Y/N. They're cowards don't you know? I taught you that as well."

" di-"

"Sooner or later he's going to find out, and bite you right in that back of yours. You know it don't you." As Eve said this, Kunikida appeared in front of her. Although, he looked just like Eve. With black fog instead of skin, and red piercing eyes that made her shudder when she looked into them. It tilted its head at her, opening its arms. Y/N backed up frightened, then a gun appeared in her hand, and she felt a force pulling her arm up towards Kunikida.

"All you need to do is pull the trigger Y/N," Eve said, with a smile. The young woman's hand shook with the gun in hand. She looked at the foggy figure of Kunikida until it suddenly disappeared.

"Do it, before it's too late."

Y/N could hear a gun safety turn off and instinctively jumped to the side. Soon after, she heard a gunshot. Landing hard on her side, the bullet had grazed her ear by the slightest before the fall. When she tried to get up, a foot landed on her chest keeping her down. The foggy Kunikida pushed its foot hard down hard, making Y/N's ribs ache.

"They always bite you when you least expect it."

Y/N struggled to get out from under his foot, but she felt like her whole body entirely was being pulled down. The foggy Kunikida then latched its hand around Y/N's neck, lifting her from it. It squeezed so hard, she thought it was going to snap her neck in two. She struggled to breathe as it stared her down with its glowing eyes.

It lifted its other hand to reveal a gun and pointed it on her thigh. Y/N managed to make out a small yelp before squinting her eyes ready for the pain that was about to be given to her.


The foggy Kunikida stood silent. It had been shot 3 times and disappeared dropping Y/N on the ground. She looked to find what shot it, then saw Kunikida, the real one. He was standing with a fierce and stern face, gun in hand.

how are you...


She woke up, her eyes flying open, and she jolted up on the bed gasping for air. She put her fingers to her throat, where she could still feel its fingers latched around her throat. Her body had shaken from shock and confusion.

Assassins target ~||~ Kunikida Doppoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن