Chapter 36- Her Leather Gloves

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I screamed

I screamed so loud
My throat was starting to hurt
Smoke and gas from the bombs were filling my lungs.

We're they gone?
What happened?
Why did they explode?
Are they...


They were both calling my name. In the distance. From afar. I could hear them. Was I hallucinating? Perhaps. Whether it was a cry for help or a call for me to be with them, I didn't know.

All I knew.
Was that smoke
Was everywhere
And I couldn't see them anymore
And I was


Debris on the tower began to crumble down.
Onto us
The helicopter
It got hit
It's going down
What's happening
I'm scared

I wonder

If they're



Y/N coughed up smoke the broken vehicle was producing. With all of her might, she pushed the unhatched door off of her body and stood up.

The area was a mess. They now stood in a forest, full of tall trees. The leaves and branches aligned together and practically covered the sky above them. There were only gaping holes that would let one see.

Her head ached and she could feel a forming bruise on her back. Y/N grabbed her forehead, trying to keep her focus together.

The woman flinched when she heard a groan from behind her. She turned around and saw the doctor of the agency laying in between broken pieces of the helicopter.

"AKIKO!" Ranpo limped his way over to his best friend desperately, pushing the pieces of metal off of her. Once Yosano's body was free, Ranpo grabbed her by the shoulder and held her close. The doctor winced as her whole body shook. Y/N walked over to the two, concerned. Before she could say anything, the man looked up at her. "Go find him."

They stared at each other for a moment, she then gave him a determined nod and jogged away.

The more she went into the forest, the darker it would get. The smell that the detonated bombs produced still made itself known all around the forest area. They couldn't have been fair, they just couldn't have. Would yelling out their names be pointless? That thought wouldn't matter anymore, considering the woman was already yelling out. Her throat was feeling hoarse, but she pushed through.

Then there it was. Her heart finally lifted as she stared at the shred of hope in her life.

"DOPPO-" Y/N nearly tripped over her own feet as she ran towards the man. He was sitting up against a tree, head held down. The parachute he was attached to had multiple holes and tears. She scrambled to unlatch the parachute backpack off of his back. Turns out Kunikida was being held up by the parachute itself, so his limp body fell forward onto the woman.

She brought him closer to her and put her ear to his chest. His heart was still beating, weak and slow, but it was still going. Y/N examined more of his body and saw various burn marks, mostly on his arms. The skin on his hands was charred, and his fingers would just barely twitch. She then averted her glance to his neck and winced at the sight.

Assassins target ~||~ Kunikida DoppoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum