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"I'm sure you understand how important this is (Y/N)-san." A man dressed in black spoke from the other side of the limo. He pushed up his sunglasses and silked back his hair.

"Should this fail-" The man was stopped.

"I'm already aware of the situation. You mustn't remind me." A lady wearing a black shawl interrupted. She crossed her legs and looked out the window. They got to a red light, and she noticed civilians curiously looking at the big black vehicle. It wasn't every day a normal citizen would see a limo after all. Such vehicles usually carried celebrities, the wealthy, or those who were lucky enough to meet such people. The woman ignored the on-lookers and took in the rest of the city. She had never been to Yokohama before, much less Japan. It was a bit of a culture shock.

"Well, even so, we will miss your presence..princess." The man slid down his sunglasses and smiled. He looked straight into the woman's eyes.

"Please do come home soon." As soon as this was said, a beeping sound was heard. The man instinctively jumped up and grabbed the woman. An explosion was heard.


The man's fingers slid across the keyboard. He was already behind schedule, and he hadn't even been at the agency for more than ten minutes. It was mostly because of that suicidal maniac. He had gotten stuck in the garbage disposal, again. He groaned and pushed up his glasses when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Uh..Kunikida-" A young man's voice was heard. Kunikida just snapped.

"WHAT??" Kunikida yelled. The young boy jolted back. He had silver hair, a white shirt with some black overalls. He bowed in an attempt to apologize.

"uHH-m, s-Sorry!! It's just...Dazai.." he gestured over to an open window. In front of it was another man. His trench coat flowed with the wind. He looked up at the sky.

"Ah yes, the perfect, clean suicide." He said in a calm tone as he brushed his brown hair out of his face. He took one step out of the window until a hand grabbed his trench coat.

"STOP FOOLING AROUND YOU SUICIDAL MANIAC." Kunikida yelled as he strangled Dazai.

"Hmm, now that I think of it, it wouldn't be too clean. Nice save Kunikida!" Dazai said while pointing finger guns at him.

"TAKE THIS SITUATION MORE SE-" An explosion was heard. Everybody jolted back as the building shook. The boy with the silver hair, Atushi, looked around confused and frightened.

"What was that?" Atsushi worried.

"Something we better go check out. Let's move!!" Kunikida ordered as he released Dazai and they ran out of the agency.


Sirens were heard. People that witnessed the incident looked at the now exploded limo. Children were clinging to their parents crying. Others were recording the situation on their phones. Kunikida and the others arrived at the scene.

"W-what, what happened?!" Atsushi gasped as he put his hand over his mouth. Dazai looked around.

"Hmm..well from the looks of it, it was an accident." Dazai started, putting his fingers on his chin. "Or, we got ourselves a murder attempt." Dazai looked around the crime scene. From how big that explosion was, he doubted it was an accident. Kunikida pushed up his glasses.

"I think we should find the victim first, lets look around." Kunikida ordered. The 3 men started walking around. This type of situation would be easier to handle if another one of the agency members were available, Ranpo. With this type of situation, he could very easily figure out whether or not it was a murder attempt, with his special ability, Ultra Deduction. Depending on what type of situation it was, determined the safety of the victim. However, Ranpo was in Tokyo. Dazai came up to a family.

Assassins target ~||~ Kunikida DoppoWhere stories live. Discover now