Chapter 28- Others like me

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"Is Mr. Kunikida not coming with us?" The girl spoke in their native language. Now, this was a tongue she has not heard in a while. Other than the times she's spoken to Micky, she hadn't spoken or heard English ever since she came to Japan. Y/N glanced over to the curious girl, who stared straight into her orbs. The woman gulped at the sight of the peculiar girl.

"No, he has other.." She paused. Why hadn't Kunikida come with Akimi? He most likely would've been a better choice in babysitting the kid. ", to attend to." Y/N finished her statement after a thought. The woman steadily fixed her grasp on Akimi's hand with her leather gloves. Now that she thought of it, Akimi seemed to have taken quite a liking to the blonde. Which she didn't blame her much for. The way he had originally cared for her, and spoke to her with such kindness. Y/N noticed herself gritting her teeth at the thought. No way, was she jealous? At a child nonetheless. The woman dug her nails into her palm as she mentally yelled at herself. It's not as if Kunikida had been more fond of the kid more than her. Hold on, why would that matter? Y/N had to stop herself from smacking herself in the forehead from frustration.

"L/N." The kid's voice brought Y/N's thoughts to a halt.


"Do you hate me?" The woman scrunched her brows. That was a question she was not expecting. Y/N turned her head over to the little girl, who was staring at her with blank eyes. She did quite a bit of staring.

"I could ask you the same thing," Y/N replied, glancing away from Akimi. "You were the one who tried to kill me after all, I'm sorta iffy about you." The girl was silent for a moment. "Do you hate me? Well, I'm assuming so-"

"I don't know anymore." Uncertainty strained her voice as she answered.

"Any more?"

"Well you seem to have close relations with Mr. Kunikida, and he is a good man." The girl looked ahead of her as the corners of her lips lifted slightly. Y/N had said nothing. "Are you his girlfriend?"

Y/N had nearly choked on her own spit. The embarrassment the woman had clearly shown on her face as it became flushed. She kept her gaze to the front, away from the child. Y/N had to stop herself from walking for a moment. It's almost as if her brain had malfunctioned. Only by hearing a simple question, with a simple answer. It wasn't supposed to be complicated, right? Akimi rose a brow as she awaited Y/N's answer. The woman looked side to side, then sighed. She looked back in front of her and continued to walk.

"No, of course not. Mr. Kunikida already has his plans for a future partner." She tried to keep her voice still. The thoughts of being in a romantic relationship with the detective still roamed in her head, however. "So..because I have.." She paused and cleared her throat. "..close connections with Mr. Kunikida, you don't know if you hate me? I mean, why did you even hate me in the first place?"

"He spoke of you very badly. I heard him say he wanted to kill you himself. I wanted to make him proud, so I came here." Akimi explained with a quiet tone.

"All the way from the U.S.? How'd you even get here?" Y/N questioned.

"He was already on his way to Yokohama. I snuck onto the plane he rode. After that, I eventually found the Armed Detective Agency, where I ended up finding you and Mr. Kunikida. I figured, I'd attack in your home, but you had gone home with him. You two looked very happy together. That is why I thought you were a couple...-" The little girls' explanation seemed to have turned into a small rant. "But, anyways. After I would kill you, I would go back to him. He would've been very proud of me."

"Proud-." Y/N glanced to the side and thought. "But you have an ability. That in itself would make everyone at the Rabid Dogs think you're the center of everything. The most powerful, the greatest. Why did you feel the need to make this, man, proud?" Y/N had always been put on a pedestal as a child. Due to her, fake powers. The highest expectations, going beyond her limit.

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