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The ghost's eyes went back and forth, right and left. One opponent would strike, the other would dodge. The opponent who had dodged would do the same thing.

They were suddenly on the floor, the tall one was losing. His opponent smirked but was soon thrown off him. He got on top of her and restrained her.



"The tie has been broken. Mr. Kunikida wins, 10-9." Akimi announced.

The ghost began clapping politely as Y/N punched the side of her fist into the floor. Kunikida stood up and adjusted his glasses.

"REMATCH!!" Y/N ordered with a huge grin on her face.

"You still have energy? Do you know how late it is? Everyone else has left." The blonde said, bursting the woman's bubble.

Y/N slightly pouted and rolled her eyes. Accepting defeat, she walked over to the side and grabbed her towel, rubbing the sweat off her face. "I was so close..."

"You were, I'm impressed." Kunikida came up to her from behind and patted her on the back with a smile. "You know what this means though.."

"Right right, I have to pay for dinner tonight, again." Y/N sighed, remembering the agreement she had made. The deal in which whoever won the most physical fighting rounds that day would pay for dinner and the winner would choose the food. Y/N originally had made it so she could save more money, but the deal ended up backfiring on her.

"You know- I could pay for it if you'd like-" He offered.

"No!" Y/N turned around and shot her index finger up to his lips. "This is my choice. Whenever I finally beat you, it'll be satisfying. I'll take us to the most expensive restaurant I can find, and make your wallet hurt." She teased with a small grin. Kunikida widened his eyes, but he soon smiled, grabbed onto her wrist, and kissed her hand.

"I'll look forward to it."

"Y-you're supposed to say that'll I'll never beat you..." Y/N looked away, cheeks becoming slightly warm.


"Because then I'd want to beat you even more." The woman turned around and bent down to grab her bag. "Let's go then, cmon Akimi."

The ghost looked up and began floating towards the two. "What are we eating tonight?" Akimi asked.

"How about soba?" Kunikida suggested.

"Again? C'mon man, I'm paying. You should take advantage." Y/N shook her head.

"It's the cheapest around here. I wouldn't want you to be left with nothing." The blonde explained.

"HAH! It's not as if I'm completely broke!!...."


"That'll be 1200yen." The cashier announced.

"700...800...9..10...11...1,2,3..." Y/N counted the money in her wallet intently. The woman paused and continued to stare into her wallet. The cashier looked to Kunikida, giving him a confused look. Y/N closed her wallet and looked up to the wall, embarrassed to look anyone in the eye. She smiled and began walking away towards the front door. "You know...I think we have leftovers at home..let's just-"

"Here's 1200yen sir." Kunikida slapped the money onto the counter while interrupting Y/N, practically destroying her pride in the process.

"Thank you very much. I'll have your food ready soon." He bowed his head and went into the kitchen.

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