CHAPTER 7- Complications

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"AH! I DID IT- I DEFEATED IT!!" Y/N chirped out excitedly in response to her shooting the middle of the target. She started jumping around with a gun in hand.

"Hey hey Woah Woah, be careful. Gun isn't on safety." He reminded her as he grabbed her hand holding the gun as he carefully switched on the safety.

"Oh, haha..sorry. It's just so exciting!! I mean..! I did that!" Y/N said pointing to the holes in the target. She had stars in her eyes, almost like a child showing her sibling her new toy. Kunikida chuckled and patted her head.

"Good job Y/N, I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you"

These words echoed in Y/N's head. She stopped jumping and stared blankly. Tilting his head, Kunikida leaned his head down to Y/N's level concerned by her sudden change of mood. Her blank gaze suddenly went into Kunikida's. More color went onto Kunikida's cheeks as he watched Y/N stare at him with intent eyes.


"Proud..?" Y/N said glancing down to her hands as she lifted them in front of her. Kunikida softly smiled, hanging his head down.

"Yes, proud. You've done well. After all, you've been through, you should be recognized for it." The tall man responded still gazing into her eyes. A smile trembled its way onto Y/N's lips as she looked back at him.

"Thanks a lot!" The young woman said lifting her shoulders, wrinkles forming around her eyes. Relieved Y/N was okay and back to normal, Kunikida sighed and fixed his posture.

As the two adults were walking out of the shooting range, Kunikida's phone buzzed in his pocket. He picked it up without hesitation as Y/N curiously looked on.

"Dazai?" Kunikida stopped in his tracks to pay better attention to the speaker on the other line. Y/N stopped as well, looking back at him. There was silence as Kunikida raised his eyebrows with the phone near his ear. "Understood, we'll be right there." He closed his phone then started walking forward.

"Kunikida...? Is something wrong?" Y/N asked leaning her upper body forward to get into Kunikida's vision without walking in front of him. Her (H/C) hair swayed down as she tilted her head.

"I believe there are some things you should know regarding your assassination attempt." He said starting to look into his ideals quickly before they got into the car.


"Were you aware that you were drugged before getting taken?" Kunikida asked as he clenched his hands onto the steering wheel.

Y/N thought for a moment. She had completely forgotten about most of the things that happened during the event. Remembering it all again made her head hurt slightly. The pain she felt from those awful drugs rushing into her head. " just came back to me. I remember." She said in response.

"Well, when Dr.Yosano found the parasites, we started investigating. Dazai came back from the restaurant we originally went to after a hunch. With him, the cup of water you drank." Kunikida explained, then went on. "That's when Dr. Yosano put two and two together and figured out the water had been drugged. The team has been investigating more into it, and apparently, Dr. Yosano found something."

Y/N raised her eyebrows nearly impressed. She hadn't told anything to the detectives, and they figured that all out? In such little time as well. "What'd she find..?" Kunikida glanced over to her away from the road for a moment.

Assassins target ~||~ Kunikida DoppoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu