Chapter 2

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- So, if you're not from Australia, what are you doing here? I don't think you would come here on vacation in January.

-No, I'm actually here for a school project. I'm going to study here for two months.

I smiled while explaining, I was really excited about this. He just stood there, watching me, eyes wide opened. He looked like he was just about to solve a mystery.

-Wait, you're one of the foreign girls?

-Yes.. I just said I wasn't from here - he didn't seem to notice my tone and started to talk really loudly.

-You're going to my school! Maybe even to my class! This is great... Wait, I'm going to show you to a friend.

    He grabbed my arm tightly, and dragged me with him. He waved at a boy with dark brown hair. Ashton started shouting: ''Hey look! It's one of those european girls!'' . I started blushing because as soon as he said it, everyone stared at me. It wasn't like there were a lot of people there, but still, there were people staring directly to me.

    He was so excited to meet me, it was so... weird. It's like he forgot the really awkward thing we just went through.

-Hi, I'm Calum.

   The guy, I mean, Calum, looked at Ashton with an expression that even I could understand. It was like he was saying ''why the hell are you dragging a girl that no one knows around?''.

   He looked good, dressed in the same style as the other guy, Ashton. He wasn't wearing a bandana though. I think it wouldn't look right on him. He had a golden lock in the front of his hair. He

-Hi, I'm Sophia.


   We were getting along when I heard a sweet woman's voice coming my way.

-Sophia, there you are! I was worried you were lost!

-I'm so sorry, Karen! I completely forgot about- she interrupted me.

-It's okay, dear. Oh.. I see you already met two of my boys.

   They all smiled. I felt a little awkward by the fact that they all knew each other. I was feeling excluded.

   Karen looked at me, pointed at Calum and whispered ''Carefull with this one, he might take you places you don't want to''. Although she had whispered, Calum heard and smirked.


   We got to the car and she noticed I was confused, I mean ''two of my boys''? She explained that they were Michael's friends, and they were also in the band. Well, at leat I already met 2/4. Hopefully, movie night won't be awkward.


I looked at a digital clock and it marked 6:39 pm. Karen was cooking something that looked really good, but I didn't know what it was called, but I was helping her. We both heard a knock on the door and Karen told me to open it. I unlocked the door, opened it and... wow.

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