Chapter 26

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    I'm not going to lie, everyone in the room was scared and creeped out by the movie, even myself. Everyone was hiding their faces with their hands, and all of the girls were cuddling with the boys, but even them were scared.

    Michael was starting to smile and I thought it was really odd.

 -What's going on?
 -Now it's the time to do it.
 -What? Now?
 -Yeah, wait... cover me. I'm going to text someone.
 -Oh, okay.

   I leaned my back on Michael's shoulders so that he could use his phone without anyone noticing the light coming out of the screen. I heard the quiet noises of his fingers tapping on the screen, writing a text message to someone, and when he stopped, he carefully grabbed my head and made me lean all of my body on him. He kissed my forehead and looked into the TV.

    I raised my head, in order to have a clear vision of the movie, but I noticed someone staring at me. Calum was hugging every single part of Phillipa, and she was looking to me, hoping that I would look back. ''So? Did you talked?'' She moved her lips without making any sound. I was surprised I understood it, usually I suck at reading lips. I shook my head and whispered ''no''. She didn't answered but looked at me with a face expression that I took as ''neither did I''. I looked back to the TV, because I noticed Michael starting to understand what was happening.

 -Are you sure you want to do this? -I asked Michael.
 -Yeah, don't worry babe, it's just a prank.

    What? Did he just called me ''babe''? That's not a very ''Michael'' thing to do. I covered my face, pretending to be scared so I could hide the fact that I was turning red, even though we were in a complete dark room.

    Michael was planning a prank, to scare everyone in the room, but there was someone else in the room that knew about it. I only knew that he was doing it with someone else, but I don't know what he's going to do.

    As the movie was getting scarier, we decided to make a break so we could rest our hearts. My heart was beating so damn quick.

 -Hey, can you help me and bring some more drinks? -Ashton said to Michael.
 -I'm coming.

    They both got up and went to the kitchen. Phillipa, leaving Calum talking to Luke, got closer to me and looked into my eyes.

 -Do we really have to do it?
 -Phillipa, we made a promise. If you want me to ask Michael, you have to ask Calum too.
 -What if neither of them wants more than ''just friends''?
 -Well, then we'll be brokenhearted together. And have you thought that maybe they both want to be more than ''just friends''?
 -That would be great, and I'm sure that's what's going to happen with you, but I can't see Calum in a relationship. He's adventurous... He likes girls, a lot. And I'm scared he might not want just me.
 -Phillipa, don't worry about that... I'm nervous too, but we have to do this...
 -Yeah, you're right. Thank god we're going out tonight, because I'm going to need some alchol for this.
 -Me too... But don't even dream of getting as drunk as you did the other night!
 -I won't, Sophia. I promise. -we both smiled.

    I heard a sound of something falling down. ''What the fuck was this?'' Calum screamed, obviously scared by the sound like all of us.

 -It was probably nothing- Zoey said, getting up to check if everything was okay.

    The whole house was silent right now. I got up to go with Zoey and everyone followed. I couldn't hear a thing, not from upstairs and not from the kitchen. ''Where's Michael and Ashton?'' got out of pretty much everyone's mouth. Oh, it must be their prank. I looked upstairs and saw a shadow, and it looked familiar. I knew that from somewhere. I didn't care, it was probablt one of them trying to scare us. Christy got in the kitchen and turned the light on, and suddently Michael and Ashton jumped out of the counter, screaming. Luke threw his phone at them and then fell on the floor. I couldn't stop laughing at his reaction.

 -Wow, Luke! Are you okay? I said, while still laughing.
 -Yeah, I am...
 -Ahah, I can't believe that's what you do when you get scared! You just throw your phone at them! Yeah... That will scare them away!
 -Shut up, Michael.
 -The tables have turned. -Calum whispered.
 -No, you shut up. -Michael said, while trying not to laugh.
 -Guess not... -Calum continued.
 -That was it? -I asked.
 -Well.. uh, yes. -Michael answered.
 -Oh come on... I thought you were going to do something really cool. This was no fun.
 -Wait. You knew about this?
 -Michael told me he was going to prank all of us, not just you Luke. This wasn't like I expected. I thought it was going to be better... And what about that shadow upstairs? Who's there?

    I looked around and saw everyone. Michael and Ashton looked scared and approached us.

 -Oh no, Michael. You're not getting me again.

    Luke started to walk towards the stairs.

 -Luke, don't!
 -I didn't plan any shadow! Neither did Michael... This was it. The prank was just this little thing... There's no shadow. Sophia, tell me you're joking.
 -No, I'm not! I saw a shadow... I didn't say anything because I thought it was one of you pranking us.
 -Uhmm, guys. Someone should go up there because I heard something falling. -Zoey said, allarming everyone.

    Michael looked at me like he knew what happened, but he was scared.

 -It can't be her again, right? It's impossible for her to get in without anyone noticing it. -Calum said.

    My heart was pounding. Her? Who? Who would get in the house? Again? I was getting even more scared by the fact that the guys were scared too. Michael approached and hugged me. He kissed me on the cheek and then went upstairs.

 -No one follow me. I'm going to check if she's gone.

    There was no sound. No one said a word. After a few minutes we heard a gasp and Michael spit out ''what the fuck?''.

 -Michael, are you okay?

    As he didn't answered, I ran upstairs and saw my room with the door opened and lights on. I entered and everyone followed me.

 -Who the fuck did this? -I screamed.

    My room was a mess. Everything was on the floor, my sheets were all messy and all of my things were in the wrong place. I noticed a note on the wall written in red paint to immitate blood: ''You have something that belongs to me, and I'm not going to rest until I have it. And don't worry, I will.'' I looked around and saw another similar paper: ''Even if it means you being shut down...''
    Tears were running down my eyes. Who could do something like this?

 -Michael, who did this? -he didn't say anything- Michael! Who did this! Tell me now!
 -Are you sure you want to know? -he got closer and hugged me while I nodded- I think it was Amy.

xx Hey guys, I know I haven't been writing anything but I've been very busy with the holidays. I promise I'll try to write a lot more from now on, and thanks to everyone reading (:
Love you lots.

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