Chapter 47 (final chapter)

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xx Hi guys, before the chapter started I just wanted to say this is the last one and thank you for reading. I love you all a lot! xoxo

 -Come on, Luke! We're going to miss the plane!

    I have been knocking on Luke's hotel room's door for almost five minutes and he hasn't opened it yet.

 -Seriously, we have to go! Now!

    The door opened and Luke got out of there with his bags.

 -Sorry, my hair doesn't look flawless all the time, I have to quiff it.
 -And we might lose the plane so you could put your hair up?
 -It's a very important part of me, I wish you all could understand it but obviously you don't.
 -Come on, just walk.

    The whole group was reunited once again, in the front door of the hotel. We were a bit late to catch the last plane of the tour, then we would go everywhere on the tour bus. The guys had to be in our destination at the exact time so they could perform at a local show, then have 3 interviews. An they were also having two shows in less than 10 hours. It was crazy...

 -Sophia, where's Luke?
 -He's already coming, he was preparing his hair... -I said rolling my eyes.
 -I swear to god that guy is marrying his hair! -Ashton screamed.
 -Don't talk too loud, Michael might hear this and get jealous. -Phillipa laughed. -Oh come on, we're all ''Muke af''.
 -I'm not.
 -Well, maybe that's just because you'r dating Michael. If you weren't you would be trying to get them together like all of us. -Ashton giggled.

    We all got in the van and waited for Luke. When he finally came, we all screamed in relief. ''10 minutes late, Luke'' was said by literally everyone on the van, especially Calum, who enjoyed getting on his nerves.

 -I'm here, let's go!

    The van started moving and we returned to our normal talk.

 -So, how many interviews are we having again?
 -Uhm, three I guess... Right?
 -Yes, you're having three interviews today. Are you guys ready for it?
 -Yeah, sure.
 -Oh, and Michael... What are you going to say if they ask you who the girl you've been hanging out is? -Christy asked.
 -I'm going to tell the truth. There's a lot of rumours already going online so I feel like I have to clear them up.
 -Yeah, it's the right choice... -Calum says looking at Phillipa.

    In approximately twenty minutes after we left the hotel, we arrived at the airport. We all ran in the middle of it, leaving security guards keep the crowds forming to the sides, leaving only a space in the middle. Fortunately, we got in the plane on time.
    The flight was filled with laughter and jokes poorly made, especially from Zoey to Luke, since they were always annoying each other. We all know that eventually they will get together, but it's going to take its time. They're just having fun for now... Ashton and Christy are the quiet ones, on their own two seats, talking and whispering, giggling and kissing, leaving everyone around them a little bit to the side. Calum and Phillipa are being playful with each other, and me and Michael... we'll we're arguing about music, again. We always do this. We always argue about stuff, but we both know it's just a way to spend time and it's nothing serious. This is actually one of the reasons why I love him so much. He knows his boundaries when it comes to me, in every single thing that might happen to us. He knows how to interact with me and when it's the safest time to annoy me. Maybe that's why we get along so well.

 -I'm telling you, they are way better than that! It was just a bad performance.
 -Michael, you know that they are that bad... You don't want to admit it but deep down you know it's true.
 -No! It's not... You're just saying it to get on my nerves.
 -Maybe... -I chuckled.
    Between the playful conversation, the voice on the speakers spoke loudly: ''We are arriving in a few minutes, please put your seat-belts on''.


    We were on the new hotel. It was a bit uncomfortable to go from one hotel to another, and then have nothing to do. All of the guys were already at the last interview of the day, and when they finished it, they had to go straight to the arena where the show was taking place. We decided to meet them there and hang out backstage.

 -Hey, Sophia... Calum just called me saying they were leaving to go to the arena. When do you want to go?
 -Uhm... In twenty minutes? Is that okay?
 -Yeah, sure. I'll just ask Zoey and Christy.

     After a while, Phillipa came back.

 -Just talked to them, they're already ready to go if you want to. Call me or something when you feel like going, we'll be downstairs waiting for you.

    I wanted to check out on social media before going out, it was just a bad habit I had. I was surprised by finding headlines just as this: ''Find who the mysterious Michael's girlfriend is!'' and ''Michael Clifford admitted to being dating one of his closest friends''... Well, he did say he was going to confess it.

 -Ready for yet another show to watch? -Christy said excited. -It's only like the fortieth time.
 -It's never too much... -Phillipa said, looking enchantingly at Calum.
 -Yeah, you're right. -a blushed Zoey whispered.


 -I want everyone to sing this song with us, is that okay?

    Michael was speaking to the crowd and you could hear a clear ''YES'' coming from them.

 -I love this song because I was one of the guys writing it and I had an amazing inspiration for this. You might only know her for only a few hours, days or weeks, but she's been with me for more than half a year, and she's been my strength since I met her. I recently made it official that she's my girlfriend and I love her. Her name is Sophia and I hope you love her almost as much as I do, because equally no one can... -he paused, looked at me and smiled- The name of the song is ''Long Way Home''. Hope you enjoy it...

    I held Phillipa, Zoey and Christy in a group hug as the intro to the song started playing and the crowd cheered. For the first time in my life, everything was where it was supposed to be.

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