Chapter 33

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 -Aren't we supposed to leave today?

    Phillipa and I were talking about my conversation with Michael. He said we would like to spend time with us but I promised Phillipa we would go immedeatly home.

 -I guess. But you're right, I have to go to work... My boss isn't that good at managing the coffee shop alone.
 -I think it's better. We shouldn't be around them for long... It would be painful to let them go again.

    I noticed something odd about Phillipa. She was, for the first time since I met her, quiet and sad. I wasn't getting why she was like that and that's when it hit me. She has been asking me to go home since I got to the hotel room and Calum has been acting weird as well. They probably haven't talked yet.

 -Hey, is everything alright?
 -Yes. I'm fine.
 -Phillipa... I know better than that. Tell me, you can trust me. What's wrong?
 -Do you really want to know?

    I sat down on the side of the bed next to her.

 -It's Calum... I tried to talk to him but he kind of ignored me. I thought that he would love to see me here tonight, that we could pretend like I never left and make it up for the lost time, but he didn't talk to me. He said he had to go and then left...

    I saw tears coming out of her eyes and I didn't know what to do. I just had the impulse of grabbing her and pulling her into my arms, so she could feel better. As I slowly moved my hand on her back to make her feel more comfortable, I heard the door open and two gasps coming out.

 -Phillipa, what's wrong? -Christy asked.

    She holded her voice and her breath and sqeezed me tight in anger.

 -Phillipa? You can talk to me...
 -Oh, like you care! The only thing you've been doing since you got here was talking about how Ashton must be feeling, how you suffered so much with leaving him! And what about us? Do you think that just because we only knew them there, we don't feel it? You're so self-centered. The only person you really care about is you! You're only with us now because you don't have anyone here... Remember how many times you put us on the side so you could be happy? No, because no one talks about it. No one!
 -Come one, you're just upset...
 -No! I'm not just upset! I've been trying to feel better, I swear. I tried to see your good intentions but I can't. And I'm sorry I'm the only one who sees it, I'm sorry I have to be the ''black sheep'' in here but I'm okay with it. -she looks at me in the eyes, now standing up, walking towards the door- I hope one day you see it too...

    And just like that she left. I don't know where she went or how... But I saw that she took her bags with her. I wanted to follow her but Zoey and Christy made me stay, telling me it was for the best.

 -Trust me, Sophia, she's a bit down, like all of us, it's normal. She will get over it and soon she'll be fine.

    I tried to believe in Zoey's words, but I couldn't. I didn't have the courage to follow Phillipa, so I stayed in my hotel room alone, thinking of what happened.

    My phoned buzzed and I ran to grab it, hopefully it would be Phillipa. I got confused when I looked at the screen.

From: Unknow.
Message: is Phillipa okay?

    I didn't know who this person was so I hesitated in answering. As I was typing the words ''who are you?'' I got another text from the same number with the same subject. I sent my text to see if I could get an idea of who was trying to contact with me.

From: Unknown
Message: It doesn't really matter. Did she leave already?

To: Unknown
Message: I'm sorry but I won't answer as long as you tell me who you are.

From: Unkown
Message: It's Calum... Now tell me if she's okay? Did she leave to go home? Please, answer.

    Oh... I see. Suddently he's interested.

To: Calum
Message: Why do you care? I thought you had to do stuff besides care about her.

From: Calum
Message: I'm sorry I was an asshole, but I need to know... Please don't tell her I'm asking you.

To: Calum
Message: Why?

From: Calum
Message: It's a long story...

To: Calum
Message: Did you cheat on her? If you did then forget about her.

From: Calum
Message: No! I did not! I'll tell you when I have time to but answer me! Please!

To: Calum
Message: Honestly I don't know. She left the hotel crying, and she carried her bags with her. Zoey convinced me to stay... But don't worry about the time. I have plenty of time.

From: Calum
Message: Sophia, please call her to see if she's okay, I need to know! Can I call you?

To: Calum
Message: Sure.

    I waited for Calum's call for 3 seconds only. I pressed my screen on the green side and placed it next to my ear.

 -Sophia, please call her when this is over.
 -Calum... I will. Now tell me why all of a sudden you care about her?
 -I never stopped caring! I just can't show affectiong right now.
 -What do you mean?
 -Do you think it's easy for me to pretend to not know her? When I saw her face in the crowd, I almost felt my heart coming out of my chest. I can't afford to lose her...
 -But if you keep treating her this way, you will...
 -I have no choice... I don't want to keep her waiting for me. I know myself and I can't be away from her any longer. I'd rather see her with other man, if that means she's happy, than having her waiting for me and seeing her unhappy... Believe me.
 -So you're doing this to keep her happy?
 -Wow... I never thought about it. And what about you?
 -Don't worry about me... I need you to be my eyes and hears. I need you to protect Phillipa for me. Can you do that?
 -Yes, I guess.
 -I need you to tell me everything that's going on with her, until she finds the right guy for her. I won't give her to another douchebag like me, she needs a real man.
 -And what if she wants you? What if you're the right man for her?
 -I -he paused for a while and I heard sobbing- I'm sorry I have to go.*


    I woke up in the morning with my head pounding. I don't know why, but my head is spinning and spinning, and it hurts like hell. Maybe it's because I haven't slept properly in a few days, but I'm planning on going home today to rest a bit more. Christy and Zoey are going to stay for a week on a hotel near the park in my town, and then they'll leave. Phillipa isn't here, and neither are her things. I think she might gone home... I rush to get to my phone to see if she told me anything since last night.

    I checked my phone and nothing... It was empty. No new text messages, no unanswered calls. I called Phillipa after talking to Calum and the only thing she told me was that she was fine and in good company. I believed her because I know she wouldn't lie to me so I was a bit better.

    With a rough knock on the door, I made my way to it, bring my hand to my head several times due to the headache. God, I hope it's not room service...

 -Hey, Sophia!
 -Michael?! What are you doing here?
 -You seem surprised.
 -Well, no shit! You come to my hotel room at 10am, and you didn't even knew where I was staying... How did you know?
 -I have to say that I have a few people that I know... Good pajamas, by the way.

    I heard a mocking sound in Michael's voice and I looked down at myself. I was wearing a tiny tank top a some sleeping shorts, due to the hot weather, and as soon as I realised I was dressed like this, I covered myself with my hands and arms, feeling my face turn red.

 -Oh, don't worry. It's not like I have never seen you...
 -Wow! Michael Clifford, don't you dare talking to me like that. -he chuckled.
 -And uh... Ready for breakfast?

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