Chapter 3

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(Amelia's POV)
"Wait" Sarah raised her hand "So he ran into you, went onto shove you into an alley, then started kissing you. You went to move away he had a gun" she asked with her mouth open

"Yes and I'm pretty sure those guys were after him" I shook my head "I slapped him and he just threatened to kill me"

"Let me guess, you said go ahead and he didn't" she looked over at me with a skeptical look and I shrug

"Yes" I do finger guns at her "But ever since I entered the apartment I feel like someone's watching me"

"Same" she shivered "And I don't like it"

I look out the window next to the tv and see someone move from the window a-crossed the street from us I quickly get up and close all the curtains, Sarah gave me a questioning look

"Someone was watching us" I say peeking throw the closed curtains. Sarah got up and looked out the other ones

"Oh god" she stepped back "We need to all the police"

"Agreed" I grabbed my phone and dialed the number

"Nine one one, what's your emergency?" A lady asked from the other line

"Yes hello, there's someone watching me and my room mate from the other building" I look through the curtains again and see them looking at us

"Ok I need you to close any curtains and step away from the window what is your address a I'll send someone over" we back away and I give the lady the address

We pace the house while we wait for a cop to show up. An hour later and there was a knock on the room, we freeze while looking at each other

"New York police" be both let out a breath and walk over

"Hello" I say opening the door

"So i checked out the apartment across from yours and found nothing. Are you sure you say someone?"

"Yes. There was definitely someone" Sarah says

"Well it was empty and no one is living in that apartment" he told us and Sarah and I share a look

"There was someone there" I press

"Well there's no one there now. So I'll be on my way, don't contact us if it's not a real emergency" with that he walked away. I closed the door

"He did not just basically call us crazy" Sarah says sounding pissed

"God I forget the police of New York are useless" I face palm I walk over to the window and look out towards the building a-crossed the street

"Anything?" She asks

"Nope. God I'm going to bed" I start to walk away

"Same. This shit is wild" with that we cut the lights and walk into our rooms. I close the door and flop in my bed

'Someone was there, I'm not crazy'

I change my clothes and get into bed after shutting off the light. I plug my phone in and stare at my bare ceiling. I lay awake for another long hour before drifting to sleep

(Police officer's POV)
I got some call about a person staring at two girls from across the street. I pull up to the address and look up at the girls appointment and look to see across the street. In the window was indeed a person, I get out and walk into the building. I head for the stairs, I climb up and towards what seemed to be the right appointment

I knock on the door and hear shuffling, I quickly kick in the door with my gun up. I look around and see a guy standing in front of the window. He turned around and I held my finger on the trigger. He walked towards me and I saw a tattoo

"The Hunter gang?" I question scarily "I'm sorry, don't kill me" I drop my gun into it's holder and take a step back

"I'm just here to watch the girl for the boss" the guy answered

"Whatever girl your watching spotted you and called nine one one" I tell the guy

"I best be going then. You tell her no one was here" he growled and I nodded slightly. he walked out the door and I followed not long after him and towards the girls appointment

'Not how I planed on spending my night'

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