Chapter 8

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(Amelia's POV)
"You used to be a street fighter?" I questioned loudly passing back and forth "You guys were gang leaders" I shook my head

"Yes" my parents said in unison

"Is that why you were so adamant on me learning karate when I was in high school?" I stopped to stare at my parents

"Look Amelia your parents left the gang to protect you. They didn't want you being involved with gangs in anyway, it was to dangerous" My aunt sad grabbing my shoulder lightly

Sarah and I shared a quick look at each other. I was kinda involved with a gang in a way, now I just need to figure out if I should let my parents know or not. I nod my head towards the hall and she nodded

"Amelia can we talk in the hall for a sec?" Sarah asked with seriousness in her voice

"Yeah. Hold that thought" I told my parents before running off with Sarah into the hallway "this is good" I say as we step in front of my door

"What do you tell your parents?" She asked "Hey I'm already kinda involved in a gang. Surprise the a gang member that runs with New York's gang pushed me into an alley and kissed me"

"Don't forget I'm being stocked" I shook my head before freezing "Sarah"

"Yes?" She said slowly

"I wasn't stocked until after my encounter with the gang member, they could be the one stocking me" I start breathing hard "Oh god, oh god. Maybe they're waiting for the right time to kidnap me" I started walking in a small circle

"Ok maybe we should tell your parents and aunt and uncle" I nodded and we walked back into the room stood next to each other

"Mom, dad. I have something to share with you" I take a breath before looking back at Sarah who nods

I got into detail about what happened a few weeks ago and what's been happening since. The whole time my parents and aunt and uncle were very tense, when I finished the first to speak was my mother

"Axel Hunter" she was very pissed off and looked ready to kill "You stay away from that boy you hear me" I jumped back as she pointed a finger my way

"Yes ma'am" I squeaked

"I'll talk to him" my uncle Zack said "Find out why he's following her"

"No" my parents yelled

"What, why not?" Sarah asked shocked just like I was

"He finds out she's related to us or you somehow he may use her as leverage. Maybe you shouldn't go back to New York, finish your school online. Come live with us till it blows over" my father suggested

"Dad, no. Come on, I'll just carry my gun with me from now on. I have a concealed weapons license, I can legally carry a gun on me"

"Honey that's a little extreme" my mother commented patting my fathers chest "You use that gun if you are in trouble you understand"

"Yes ma'am" I nod

"This includes you as well Sarah" my mother turns to her "We want you both to be safe"

"Yes ma'am" Sarah answered

"You girls should get to bed, you have to leave early for your drive home"

"Yeah we should get going. We'll be by on Monday to pick you up Ava"

Everyone hugged goodbye or goodnight before heading out or heading to bed. The next morning Sarah and I left early and headed for home. Little did we know what was waiting for us back home...

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~ TheDevil

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