Chapter 1

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(17 years later)
(Amelia's POV)
I breath in a sigh of relief as I set the last box down. Sarah and I just moved into our apartment, which has two bedrooms. One full bathroom, a small kitchen, and a living room. This was gonna be our home for the next year that was left in our college life, which is gonna be amazing

"God, I'm done. I need a nap" I laugh at Sarah's exaggeration as she landed face first into our couch

'That's my best friend' I laugh in my head

"Oh it's not that bad" I push her over and plop down next to her "We can start unpacking tomorrow" I tell her

"Good idea" she sat up and looked around "Can't believe we got a good deal on this place and we finally get to live together" she says happily

"I agree, it was a good find" I smile also looking around

"Now what? I'm hungry" she whined while leaning on me

"Let's go get food then" I laugh shoving her off "We have no food here so let's go find somewhere to eat" I get up and pull her with me

"Yes! McDonald's!" She claps and runs for the door grabbing her wallet. I follow behind grabbing my keys and wallet from the counter

"Wait for me! I have the car keys" I call out as I lock the door and walk towards the stairs. We lived on the second floor so no elevator

Sarah was standing outside her car as I jumped off the last few steps. You see I don't have a car, I honestly didn't need one. I just used public transportation or Sarah drives me. And sometimes I walked. We both crawled in and I started the car as she blabbed on about what she was gonna get. I just laughed and nodded along to her craziness.

The sun was setting as I drove through New York city, the big apple as they called it. I looked around at all the lights, I've lived here for three years now and I still can't get enough of the city

We arrived back home and sat on the couch while we watched some movie on Netflix. We had someone install the TV before we moved everything in. Weird but whatever.

"Alright I gotta get to bed" I pat Sarah's leg "Don't stay up to late. Don't you have class?"

"Yeah" she groaned turning the TV off and walking towards her room "Night" she called

"Night" I called back before closing my door and changing into some pjs

I crawled into bed and laid on my back staring at the ceiling. Slowly I drifted off to sleep

I woke up and got some clothes before heading to the bathroom. Sarah wasn't up yet so I didn't lock the bathroom door as I turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up. I stripped and climbed in quickly washing up and turning off the water. I dried off before changing and blow drying my hair. I brushed my teeth and put little makeup on.

I headed out and walked over to my bedroom and throw my dirty clothes in a basket before slipping my converses on and heading back out see Sarah standing at the kitchen counter slowly eating her cereal

"How you get up and do all that" she pointed to my outfit "Will forever cease to amaze me" she grumbled before going back to eating her cereal

"I used to work at a family friends farm in the summer back home remember?" I tell her while grabbing a banana and peal it

"Yeah I remember, you loved spring because of the baby animals" she laughed "Alright see you tonight" she started walking away

"Don't be surprised if I show up late, my boss hates me and is probably gonna dump all her work on me" I call as she disappeared into the bathroom

"Ok" was all I heard before the door closed and the shower being turned in. I laugh and finish my banana

I go back to my room and pick up my jacket before heading out and collecting my keys and wallet. I walk out and lock the door behind me before heading to the side walk. I planed on walking today. I worked for some big CEO company as a receptionist, it payed good so I try not to complain much. I soon arrived and pulled into a parking spot before heading in

'A long day awaits'

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