Chapter 16

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(Sarah's POV)
"Come on Amelia. Where are you" I yell throw the phone at the voicemail. "Ive called you a hundred times and left a bunch of voicemails. Where the hell are you?"

I start panicking. I got home and Amelia wasn't here, there was no sign she was ever here. I kept calling her and texting her. Eventually it showed me she was reading my texts, but she wasn't answering. I had a sick feeling in my gut and finally I called the city police, I told them what was going on. They told me to stop wasting their time, saying she was probably fine once I told them her name.

"What the fuck is wrong with New York's police?" I grow frustrated

I sit for the next hour waiting and thinking of any way to find her when I got an idea. Why I didn't think about this an hour ago is beyond me. I pulled up my contacts for Callie and Zack, they were just as much family as my mother and brother. They helped care for me back when I was younger

"Aunt Callie?" I cried into the phone

"Sarah?" She said concerned "What's going on? Why are you crying?"

"I think something horrible happened to Amelia" tears were staining my face as I looked out the apartment window

"What do you mean you think something happened to Amelia?" I heard her holler for Uncle Zack

"I had to work late tonight so I couldnt pick her up, making her have to walk home. But when I got here two hours ago she wasn't here and it looked like she hadn't been here at all. The police won't do anything" I cry harder

"Stay where you are, we're on are way" with that she hung up and I sat on the coach looking into space waiting for Callie and Zack to get here

(Amelia's POV)
"Eat Angel" Axel demanded

"Who are you?" I whisper as I study him

"What?" He asked taken back

"Where are we? Who are you?" I pressed leaning forwards. I tried to ignore the food. I was hungry, but I want answers

"Will you eat something if I tell you?" He asked setting his fork down and putting his elbows on the table. I nod and he sighed "My full names Axel Hunter and You're in my gang house" I gasp

"T-the Axel H-Hun-ter?" My parents warned me to stay away from him

"Yes. Now eat" he gave me a stern look. I nod and start to eat my food

I finish eating and I don't move from the chair until he finishes and tells me I can wonder around if I please. Apparently no ones here because they have all been ordered to stay away from the gang house for a few weeks. I have a feeling that it's because he doesn't want them to see me, so I take this to explore and fine all the ins and outs for my escape

Three chapters in one day? And they are good long chapters? Today must be an off day

This is going to be my last update for the next week. Forgive me, I'm just going to be busy with my fam for the next week

Anyways let me know what you thinks going to happen.

Will they find and rescue her?

Will she escape and rescue herself?


Will she stay with him?

Find out next week. Muahahaha

~ TheDevil

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