Chapter 10

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(Amelia's POV)
I groan and grab my head as sun shines in my face from the window, I pull the blanket up and over my head. The light still shining bright through the blanket, I kick the blanket off before slowly opening my eyes. I look to see a big open wall of windows, this was not my room

Shooting up i look around to see a room that was not my own, this was someone else's room. A guys room. I could tell it belonged to a guy by the fact it was a dark gray room with little to nothing in it, I could also see into the closet and there was only guy clothes. I crawl out of the big bed and touch the cold hardwood floors

Looking down I see I'm in a oversized men's t-shirt, who the fuck changed me? I couldn't remember anything from last night, it was all a blur. I slowly made my way towards a closed door hopefully that led out of the room. I slowly turn them nob and peak out to see a small hall that led to a living room, I open the door more and quietly walk down the short hall. I freeze when I hear a mans voice

"She's asleep in my room" that voice, I knew it from somewhere I just couldn't place it "I know.... nothing happened.... no nothing happened, I've gotta go" I heard the phone end and peaked around the corner

I was look at the back of a very built man. He was shirtless with black sweats handing lowly on his hips. I bit my lip and studied what he was doing. It looked like he was cooking and on his phone. He had a mop of curly brown hair on his head. Who was he talking too?

"You know it's rude to stare and not say hi" I heard his emotionless voice

"Umm, sor-ry" I stutter walking towards the kitchen

"Sit" was all he said and I followed his instructions, he still had his back to me

I looked around his apartment and realized that I could see the city from his living room windows that went from ceiling to the floor. I heard a plate being set in front of me and I snap back to see it had bacon and eyes with a piece of toast. I look up only to be met with green eyes that held no emotion

"I know you" I gasped. It was the guy from the alley "You shoved me into an alley a few weeks back" I growled "and held a gun to my stomach"

"Hmm" he hummed

"Where the hell am I? How'd I get here?" I questioned glaring at him "Oh my god, Sarah" I held my hand to my mouth and getting up to go look for my phone

"Looking for this?" I stopped and turned to see him holding my phone "and your in my house angel"

"Give that back" I storm over to him only for him to hold it up. I probably look pathetic jumping around trying to get my phone. He only smirked down at me

"Love the view" I gasp and stop jumping

Suddenly he set my phone on the counter next to him and before I could movie and grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me onto the counter and dragging the plate of food towards me

"Eat" was all he said and because I was terrified by his commanding tune I started to ear

"Mmmm" I moan as I eat the eggs "These are good" I nod before finishing the plate, the whole time he just stared at me "You still didn't answer my question" I cleared my throat

"What question was that?"

"How'd I get here?"

"I brought you here"

"Why?" I ask looking him in the eye

"You were drunk and I didn't like how every guy was looking at you as you dance on the floor" he growled grabbing my waist ruffly. I gulped

"I don't even know you, you don't know me" I stated looking into his piercing green eyes

"My names Axel" he said while searching my face, I felt his hand land on my thigh and start to move up

"Amelia" I whispered, but he still heard

He only nodded not braking eye contact as his hand slipped under the large shirt, I only had underwear on under this. Suddenly my phone started ringing, I napped my eyes to the screen and see Sarah's name pop up. Axel leaned over and handed me my phone

"Amelia, god are you ok? I'm sorry I left you" Sarah breathed worriedly into the phone

"I'm ok Sarah. Your fine" I nodded but knew she couldn't seem me. Axel was just staring to me as he leaned on the counter in front of me

"Where are you? I didn't see you at home this morning, I started freaking out"

"I went home with a guy" I told her and held my breath as Axel raised a brow

"Oh girl, did you get some? If so you gotta tell me all about. Do you need me to come get you?"

"I'll tell you when I get home. I just called a cab and am waiting for it to show up" I lied through my teeth

"Oh ok, well I'll see you when you get home"

"Yeah. Bye Sarah"

"Bye Amelia" with that she hung up and I went straight to calling an Uber

"Some guy huh?" I snapped my eyes to Axel

"I need to leave"

Without saying another word I rushed out of the room to collect my stuff and quickly leaving the apartment, not once did he say anything to stop me. He just stayed in the same spot on his phone as I left. I got into the Uber and gave her my address. When I got home I see Sarah sitting on the steps of the apartment building

I'm getting better at making longer chapters. How is the book so far?

What do you think about Axel and Amelia so far and their interaction?

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