Chapter 22

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(Amelia's POV)
"Axel" I held my whispered pushing myself further into the hospital bed "S-stay aw-ay"

"I'm sorry Angel, but I can't" my heart started pounding in my chest as he walked closer

"N-no no" I started ripping out the iVs from my arm and pushing myself off the bed. I hit the ground

"God Amelia" he sounded pissed as I started crawling across the floor to the farthest corner from Axel

"What did y-you do t-to me?" I rush out looking into his eyes

"I've claimed you as mine Angel, therefore you can't leave" I look at him in peer terror

"Your the one who hit our car" I pointed a shaky finger in his direction "Where's Sarah? Where's my best friend?" I yelled using the wall to help me stand up. He slowly walked closer

"She's down the hall"

"Stay back" I yelled as he took another step "I'm going to go see Sarah" I tried to make a move for the door only to almost face plant, Axel caught me before I could make a fool out of myself

"Your to weak Amelia. It honestly surprises me you've had his much energy" she shook his head with literally no emotion

"Cool way of showing your surprise" I role my eyes as he picks me up bridle style "Put me down god damn it" I tried to push him away, but failed miserably as my energy started to drain

"Listen here Angel" he set me on the bed once again and pushed my shoulders down when I tried to get up "You may as well get comfortable because your going to stay in this hospital until your one hundred and ten percent"

"Why me? Why not some other girl?"

"You have fire and I like a girl with fire. So once you're healed your coming home with me" he released me once i relaxed

"What about Sarah?"

"She'll be coming with us, she knows way to much. I might have to kill her" he shrugged. I grabbed his hand and shirt pulling him towards me with what strength I had left

"You kill her and I'll kill you. Simple" I growled before shoving him

he quickly grabbed my hands and shoved them above my head holding the down with one hand and grabbing my chin with his free hand making me look at him. Anger was present in his eyes, but something else was there I just couldn't figure out what it was

"Your hot when you're angry, but listen closely Angel. Don't talk to me like that again, you won't like the out come" he was so close I could feel his hot breath on my face "Do. You. Understand?" He snapped in my face

"Y-yes" I stuttered and he kissed my forehead before releasing me and took a step back

"I'm going to go get a nurse to fix this" he gestured fo my arm and the iVs "You move from this bed and there will be hell to pay" with that he walked out and a tear slid down my face

What was my life turning into?

I know I'm like a week late on updates, but I've had some problems.

It's snowed like crazy here and it's starting to piss me off. I've got over 30 animals and it's a pain in the ass to feed them in the freezing cold at 5 in the morning.

How's everyone else doing?

Also I'm starting college classes on top of my high school classes so updates might be even slowly, SORRY😕

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