Nodding and retaining that information, Taehyun continued with his next question, "what did you mean by implying that there are different types of witches. What kind of witch has cursed me?"

After looking as if he didn't want to answer it, Taehyun rolled his eyes, "you're not allowed to disclose any information from now on." Whining, Beomgyu rolled over the back of the couch and assumed a comfortable spot.

He sighed, "your eyes right now are blue and gold. There are four major types based on the four elements since witches are beings who attain their power from nature. Blue and gold mean the witch who cursed you followed the element of water along with the element of fire."

"But why are my eyes like this if I'm not a witch?"

"Because the witch has fastened her powers fully onto you. Although you obviously can't do what she does, you still have her magic energy running through your body which is why the vampire blood reacted to it and why it activated the spell," he explained swiftly.

Taehyun was good at understanding things quickly but also had the habit of needing to know everything or nothing at all. He knew that Beomgyu was probably bothered at that point and didn't want to answer any more questions. "To spare you, we can talk more about this later- wait, what time is it?"

As he looked through the dark curtains, he realized the sky was a plethora of oranges and pinks, indicating that it was almost sunset. It was Monday, but he figured he would be spending the night with how the situation was going. That meant a definite punishment if his parents were home.

The older boy glanced outside as well, leaning back and staring at the ceiling, "it's probably six or seven o'clock. You should stay the night - Sooyeon, Soobin, and Joonwoo will be back soon and will be able to explain all of this much better."

Nodding, Taehyun sank into the couch, bringing his knees to his chest and staring at his hands. An awkward silence fell over the two of them. Neither of them knew why it felt so tense, but still, neither of them said anything.

Feeling as if it was the longest period of silence he had ever experienced while he had been with Beomgyu, Taehyun coughed uncomfortably. He didn't believe he enjoyed hearing the older boy talk, but maybe he was mistaken.

Unable to hold back in the moment of reticence, Taehyun asked, "can you tell me more about vampires?" Sitting up to look at the blonde, Beomgyu giggled, "sure, if you want."

He straightened his posture, bringing his legs into a crossed position underneath him before gazing at Taehyun, "what would you like to know?" Taehyun gulped, thinking of a question. After a brief second, he wondered, "how do you breathe if you're dead?"

Beomgyu pursed his lips as he pondered that question, "well, I'm not technically dead. I'm in a state between life and death. Although my body still functions somewhat normally, it doesn't necessarily need to. If I were completely dead, my brain would've shut down and I wouldn't be able to do anything."

The younger boy hummed in response, continuing, "but, how would that work? It doesn't seem logically possible."

Snorting, Beomgyu shrugged, "I don't know. There's not an instruction manual given to you when you become a vampire. All I know is I'm neither dead nor alive." Taehyun nodded, "what does it feel like if you stop breathing?"

For a moment, Beomgyu's expression shifted, but he quickly recovered his bubbly demeanor. Slowly, he answered, "it kind of feels like you're drowning but instead of dying, you just black out before waking up again."

In all honesty, Taehyun didn't expect him to answer that. He figured he wouldn't have tried something like that if it brought him pain or discomfort. But, Beomgyu was full of wonder and curiosity so he wasn't too surprised.

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