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Karasuno's bus had arrived at the gym they will be playing at against Nekoma. The three managers stayed behind to organized some stuffs inside the bus before making their way with the boys. Kazumi look up to the gym.

"Huge...it's huge." Kazumi murmured under her breath, gripping onto her bag. Miyuki smiled to her as she and Kiyoko saw a boy with a mohawk cut looking at them.

"T-T-Three female managers... Beyond good!"

"Spot on!"

"They have female managers! Yakisoba bun score!"

The boys wearing the red jerseys yelled out as the girls look over to them. "Ignore them. Let's go." Kiyoko push both the Tama's to the others as they both walk together to the entrance.


As the boys set up the nets and wipe the floors for their game later, Kazumi had made her team get warm up. While they were warming up, she look over to the Nekoma team and met eyes with Kenma, whom she had met the previous day.

Kenma waved to her, smiling. Kazumi held out a hand and smiled back before jumping to Daichi's sudden loud yell as they're done warming up. Gathering around her and Daichi soon after.

"We've only just met, and we're still awkward and uncoordinated. Plus, this is our match using these members." Daichi said. "I don't know what kind of wall we'll be up against with Nekoma, but once we are up against that wall...that will be our chance to rise above it!"

Kazumi crossed her arms. "Show them like you showed yourselves on the practice match few days back." She said, specifically towards Hinata. The tangerine head smiled excitedly and nodded.

She nodded to them and went to where Miyuki was. She was by the scoring board beside Nekoma's name. The black hair girl went beside Karasuno's and held out a determination smile to her team.

"We will now commence the practice match between Nekoma High and Karasuno High!"

"Let's have a good match!"


As the whistle blew, Kazumi bit her lip, feeling excited but refuse to show it. She saw Kenma giving the first serve as it went to Asahi. He received it far too short but their setter manage to toss it towards Hinata. Kazumi smiled. "Those two. Doing the fast attack this early."

Hinata spike the toss with his eyes closed, giving his team a point. Kazumi turned the point to one and rested her head on her arms and leaned on the board.

"Looks like Nekoma saw one of our main weapons, huh?" Miyuki giggled, leaning on the board as well with her arm with the other on her hip.

The match continued. As planned, Nekoma kept there eyes pilled on Hinata. Being the best decoy he is, he jumped by the net and swiped his hand. The blockers of Nekoma jumped to blocked, instead the ball went to Asahi as the ace himself spiked Kageyama's toss. He slammed ball and saw their libero was able to touched the ball, but instead it went side ways, giving them a point.

"The libero is a threat." Miyuki murmured, making Kazumi looking at her. "He never seen Asahi spike and Asahi wasn't in his full power that time, but he was able to touched it."

Kazumi nodded, agreeing to her cousin. She looked over to Noya to see him looking at Nekoma's libero as well. The matched continued as Karasuno kept gaining points match after match. A sudden time out was called by Nekoma's coach.

Miyuki and Kazumi went to them to see how they were doing. Suga and Yamaguchi gave them their water bottles as Miyuki stood by him. Kazumi went to Kageyama and eyed their opponents. "Looks like they're getting cautious to your tosses, Kageyama."

Kageyama heard her and look over to them. They saw the coach looking at them before averting eyes away. Miyuki nudged Kazumi with a water bottle on her bag to give her. As she took it, the light brunette pointed at the boy beside him, giving a teasing smile.

Kazumi playfully glared at her and poked Kageyama's back, giving him the bottle. Hinata went to them.

"Kageyama! Give me your tosses more often!" Hinata yelled out, only to be shut down by Kageyama.

Kazumi smiled to their enthusiasm and look over to Nekoma. She eyed their number 7, remembering the last matches he was keeping an eye on Hinata. "Kageyama, Hinata. Be careful with your attacks. They might be able to keep up with you two."

Both of them nodded. The whistle blew again as both teams went to their positions, And both the Tama's went back to the score board.

The match continued as both teams kept gaining points. Kazumi looked how the Nekoma's organization to see their blockers moved to the side. She also noticed that their number 7 was keeping up on Hinata. She soon came to realize...

"Are they attempting to lead Hinata?" She murmured. She watched how Kenma was looking at Hinata. 'Don't tell me...'

Kageyama gave Hinata another toss, it went through Their number 7, but he manage to slightly touch it. Their libero retrieved it as it went to Kenma, their setter. Hinata thought a fast attack will be made, but instead Kenma perform a setter dump, and Noya wasn't able to retrieved it.

Kazumi frowned. "I knew Kenma is smart, but I never knew he would be this smart to know through our attacks."

"Shake it off!" Miyuki yelled out beside her as she turned the score for Nekoma's team.

The next point almost made Karasuno's team lost it when Nekoma's spiker dump the ball. Tanaka was able to retrieved it and yelling to Noya to cover.

"Left!" Kageyama yelled out to Noya.

"What?!" Hinata gasped on the side with Suga and the others. "Kageyama called for a set?!"

Miyuki also gasped when she saw the jump spike Kageyama did and spike the ball straight forward. She look over to her cousin with stars on her eyes. "That looks like you, but better!"

"Should I even take that as a compliment?!"

Miyuki gripped onto her club jacket. "He is so good at everything, but you just had to teach him some more, huh?!"

Kazumi hit her forehead as she gasped. "He asked me too when he heard about me spiking through three spikers back in middle school."

Continued on with the match, Tsukishima was able to gain them another point with hitting the ball with his fingers. Kazumi saw Kenma observing the tall blonde hair and quickly look away. Kazumi still locked on to him, feeling like he would do something shocking.

As the ball was flying to him, Kazumi saw him looking over to his teammate on his left. Tsukishima took the bait as Kenma toss the ball to their right.

"A decoy glance, huh?" Kazumi murmured again. "Kenma is really amazing on observing us."

Miyuki look at her as she turned the score. "What do you mean?"

"Kenma saw how fast Hinata is and gave his teammates advices to how to deal with it. He also saw Tsukishima's play and used a glance decoy, knowing that Tsukishima will look at where he would be looking." Kazumi replied.

"So how do we stop him?" Miyuki asked, looking over to the match and saw Karasuno gained yet another point.

Kazumi turned the score over and replied to her. "Kenma doesn't stand out much like Kageyama, so it's hard to read him. As far as I know, it relies to their receivers and the way their receivers toss it back to him. Kenma has plenty of potential in him and can give his teammates accurate sets. So he is supported by the received skills of his teammates."

Nekoma had keep up to them as they slowly gained closer to their number points. Miyuki watched in awed to their receives and spikes. "Their retrieves are flawless."

Without them knowing, the opponents were in set point already. "Damn these cats." Miyuki muttered under her breath.

Kazumi watched them retrieved the ball as Kageyama readying himself to give a toss to Hinata. She look over to the blockers and her eyes widened. Hinata spiked the ball and opened his eyes, only to see the ball went back to their side of the court, giving Nekoma the last point. The whistle blew as the first set finished.

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