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"Fortunately, we have the benefit of the doubt. No apologies necessary." Daichi said, crossing his arms as he faced the first years along with his friends. "But I want you to pretend you saw nothing."

The boys seems like they have forgotten it but they were reminded again. Miyuki let out a nervous laugh as Kazumi stood beside her at the back of the line of boys quietly.

"You two, however..." Daichi continued but was cut by Kageyama and Hinata bickering.

"It's you fault for not receiving it properly, you dumbass. Not the same as last year? Don't make me laugh. You such a let-down. You suck!"

"You talk too much."

"O-Okay, boys. Let's settle down." Miyuki tried to calm them down as Tanaka was about to burst from their bickering.


Miyuki, Tanaka and Suga flinched on the sudden voice from Daichi. Kazumi look at them confused while the other boys look over to Daichi.

"I'd like you to listen to me. I don't know what motivated you to come to Karasuno. But you came here to win, didn't you?" Daichi asked the two boys.


"Of course."

"Karasuno's team could compete with the best up until a few years ago. It happened only once, but they went to nationals." Daichi explained the backstory of their team.

Kazumi open her mouth a little bit as she hears the story in awe.

"But now, we're only in the top eight in the prefecture. We are neither weak nor strong. Other schools call us the fallen champs. The clipped crows."

Kazumi flinched.

"I remember well when Karasuno competed in the spring national tournament. I'd sometimes walk right past students from the nearby Karasuno High School who were competing against the country's best teams in a huge gymnasium in Tokyo. It gave me goosebumps." Daichi said, remembering back where he was passing a few guys from Karasuno.

'The nationals...' Memories of her team bailing in tears repeat on Kazumi's head.

"We're going there one more time!"

Kazumi's eyes widened by hearing those words. Her hand turn into a fist before lifting her head up. "There are plenty of high schools that treat going to nationals like a tentative dream."

'Wait... Why did I say that?' Kazumi asked herself as the rest look at her disbelief.

Tanaka turn his body around to face her. "H-Hey, pretty lady, you--"

"There's no need to worry." Now, all eyes went to Daichi as he wore a very, very serious face. "I am serious about going."

Kazumi flinched before looking away, feeling guilty and afraid for saying such thing. She shivered when she felt Daichi's glared. She gripped her shaking hand.

Daichi continued. "We need a united team to accomplish that. And we don't want the Vice Principal's watching our every move." He suddenly walk to the two boys as Suga and Tanaka back away from him. Miyuki slowly drag Kazumi close to them.

"Look, it isn't as though I'm telling you to be friends. In junior high, you may've been adversaries separated by a net..." Daichi said as he stopped walking right in front of Kageyama and Hinata. His face was really hard to read for the others.

"...but I want you go get it into your heads that you'll both be on the same side of the net now. Is that understood?" Daichi lifted his head and hardly glared at the two.

Kageyama, Hinata and even Kazumi felt a tingling feeling crawling over their body. Daichi put a hand on Hinata after putting the other on Kageyama. "I don't care how good you are, or how hard you intend to play. Anyone who causes trouble for the team with petty rivalry..."

The captain then drag them out of the gym. Kazumi, Miyuki, Suga and Tanaka just watch him dragging them. Daichi slapped two papers on both of their heads.

"...is out! I will not allow you to participate in practice until you can demonstrate some team awareness!" Daichi said before closing the door.

Tanaka, Suga and Miyuki blink to his action. Kazumi was shocked to his sudden punishment he gave to them.

"Please let me in! Please let me play volleyball! I'll get along with Kageyama, I swear!"

Kazumi could heard Hinata's cries as she just eyed the door, gripping on the edge of her gym jacket.

"You sure about this, Daichi?" Suga asked as Miyuki nodded in agreement. "We need more members, anyway. Besides, only time can make a team."

Daichi walk away from the door as Tanaka smirked eyeing it. Daichi crosses his arms. "I know that! However..."

Suddenly, they heard rustling from outside of the gym and a yell could be heard.

"I'm sorry for my behavior! I'll play alongside him! Please let me be on the team!"

Miyuki sighed before shu-ing Tanaka away and open the door. Kageyama thought he was given a second chance, until he met with lifeless eyes of Miyuki herself.

"Be honest, boy. 'Cause I don't like when boys lie."

Kageyama suddenly felt scared for once. He tried to ignore the stare.

"... If I'm stuck working with him in a match, I rather do every receive, spike, and set by myself."

"What the hell is with you?!"

Miyuki laughed out loud after hearing him as she opened the door widely. She wiped away some tears on her eyes. "Why are you actually being honest with me? I usually not that good with that kind of thing compare to Daichi."

Kageyama frown as Hinata walked to him, standing beside him as Miyuki continues.

"Still, in volleyball, you can't drop, carry, or touch the ball twice in a row. How do you plan to play alone?"

Kageyama didn't like where that was going. Miyuki only smiled to them and close the door shut. She turn around to face the others. "Now, that's settle it. Let's get ready before the others are here. Oh and before that..."

Kazumi was stunned to how intimidating she could be. Miyuki walk to her and grab her wrist. "Daichi, this my cousin that I've been telling you about."

Kazumi blinked and jumped. "M-My name is Kazumi Tama. You can call me Kazumi Nice to meet you." She bowed to them all.

"So polite!" Tanaka yelled as Suga chopped his head lightly.

"Don't get to excited."

Daichi smiled as well. "Nice to meet you too, Kazumi. I heard a lot about you from your cousin."

"Thank you for taking care of my cousin. I know she could be a baby sometimes."

Miyuki had an irk mark landed on her head. "I'm not a baby!"

Kazumi look down. "...I'm sorry for saying such thing to you just now."

"Don't worry about it." Daichi lightly assured her. "I heard about your last match. You almost led your team to the finals, right?"

Kazumi flinched.

"I am glad to have you as our first-year manager. Maybe teach us some moves we could do." Daichi happily announce as he grinned widely.

Kazumi look at him with lit up eyes. She softly smiled. "Thank you so much." Miyuki grinned as she ruffled her head.

"If there's anything you need to know, you can ask me!" Miyuki said as Kazumi nodded back.

Tanaka suddenly appear beside Kazumi as he flirts with her. "My, my, Kazumi! You looks so cute with that smile."

"Eh? Um...Thanks?"

"Ryu, I would like for you to stay away from her a bit."

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