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"What the hell did you just say?!" The guy yelled out.

"S-Sorry! Um, how tall are you?" Hinata asked, slightly scared.

"159 cm!" He replied as he point himself with his thumb. He suddenly saw Hinata acting weird. "What's with you?"

"This is the first time I've looked down at someone since I joined a high school team!"

"Quit shedding tears of joy! You're barely taller than me!"

Finally arriving, Tanaka and the third years went inside as Tanaka saw him "Oh, hey, Noya!"

"Hey, Ryuu!"

"Nishinoya!" The boys greeted him as the guy, Noya, greeted back.

"Noya!" Miyuki exclaimed and went to him. "You finally back!"

"Miyuki! Great to see you too!" Noya exclaimed and high fiving to each other.

"Oh yeah, you haven't met him before." Daichi said to the first-years behind Noya. "This is Nishinoya, a second-year."

"Hello!" Hinata greeted in respect.

Noya grinned. "Yo! You guys are first-years, huh? You there, the tall guy with the mean look who served earlier and almost hit a pretty girl." He pointed at Kageyama as he flinched. "What junior high are you from?"

"Kitagawa First."

"For real? That's a powerhouse team! No wonder you had a killer serve." Noya exclaimed happily. "I had to play them back in junior high and lost 2-1! They had a third-year with a killer serve back then too!"

'He's as loud as ever.' Suga, Daichi and Miyuki thought.

"What... What junior high did you go to?" Kageyama asked.


"T-That's a powerhouse in its own right! Why'd you come to Karasuno?" Kageyama asked out of confusion. "Was it because you heard that Coach Ukai was coming out of retirement too?"

"Nah." Noya denied as the sun suddenly shines on him. "The reason I came to Karasuno...was because the girls' uniform was right down my alley."

Kazumi's jaw dropped. 'Great. Another pervert.'

"Of course, the girls themselves didn't let me down either. The bigger reason, though..." Noya put on his school jacket. "Was the boys' uniform. Guys have gotta wear black, you know. I had to put up with blazers in junior high, so I always wanted to wear these. And not in brown or gray, either. It had to be black!"

"I hear ya!" Tanaka replied to him, agreeing.

"Don't encourage him, Tanaka."

Noya crossed his arms and look above. "Karasuno had black uniforms, the girls uniform are cute, and it was close to my place. It was an easy decision to make." Suddenly, he smell something that makes him turn his head towards the door.

Kiyoko adjust her shoes before going in, until she heard someone called out. "Kiyoko! I crossed the seven seas to come see you!"


"Another touch down for Noya!" Miyuki exclaimed before laughing. Kazumi walked to her to see if he's alright.

"Are you all right, Nishinoya?" Kazumi politely asked as Noya quickly jump to her.

"Of course! And you can call me Noya like everyone else! No need to be so polite to me, umm..." Noya cut himself off when he didn't get her name.

"My name is Kazumi Tama." Kazumi introduce to herself as Noya's eyes sparkled.

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