What happen to Sky?

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I'm so sorry to not post before but i was extremely busy with school and other things but since that happen i promise I'm going to do kind of like a marathon tomorrow to repair the sentimental value that i just did as long as you guys don't sue me I think i will survive anyways 34 views you guys are amzayn and I hope you realize it but i hope you guys would vote and comment i would know that at least you guys are reading also fan me if u like u don't have to but i hope you do know to the story.

As soon as i enter the school all eyes were on me an Sean probably because barbie over there must of say something to look good in front of people or because of what i was wearing it wasn't how i usually dress it was for the first time something pretty i don't know why but it felt awkward like i was naked but no people just kept giving me looks and some sympathetic as soon as i saw that i got ready for what was coming and not to my surprise it was Barbie and her friends " What happen little Sky think that she could just say stuff to me and get away with it " she said with a smirk playing in her face.

" NO I just wanted to prove to you that you are no one right now and I'm tired of you and your stuck up bitchy attitude and if you think u could get away with it well think twice because I'm tired of it and again wipe that little smirk of your face before i wipe it of your face" the hall got quite and "burn" and "ohs" were said as soon as i said that a face that i haven't seen anywhere appear "Who do you think you are to talk to a person like that you think your so tough your are a bitch" i got lost in his green eyes and for no reason i just cracked and started crying " No you don't even know what is like being harassed for no reason and by the looks of it you never been here before because she isn't what she looks like" and with that i left, i don't know why but those words kill me even if they were from a random person i just felt like garbage know and with that i exit the school.

Sean's POV: 

As soon as she started crying i freak out the dude didn't seem like he understood what she meant and i was shocked she hasn't cracked since the day her dad die i don't know what took control of me but i got mad and push the kid against the wall and said " look i know you are probably new but you better say something nice to her because you don't know what that girl has been through and you probably made it worst" with that being said i let go of him and went to look for sky right now she is capable of anything.

Harry's POV:

Today i had to my cousin's Brooks high school to pick her up, she was going to meet the boys today and was really exited but when i saw that Blondie speak to the other one like that i just lost it and try to defend her but what shocked me was how she probably didn't know about me being famous but as soon as she started crying i felt guilty not only for calling her a bitch but because she was extremely pretty and i met have just done something stupid.

Sky's POV:

i needed to go somewhere to think but as soon as i got close to Starbucks i bump into someone and fell " Could this day get any worst " i mumbled as i continue to cry as soon as i look up i met the most beautiful eyes anyone could have as he notice that i was crying his faced turn in to a frown " I'm sorry love did i hurt you?" he ask worried " No is okay u didn't cause me to cry but thanks for worrying" as i started to walk away i felt a hand in my shoulders which cause me to turn and see the boy standing there " Could i invite you to take a coffee with me just to see if your OK?" he ask  i don't think it would hurt if i had coffee with him could it oh what the hell how could my life get any worst " Sure why not" i said cleaning my face and stooping tears from falling.

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