A Cinderella Story (One Direction Love Story)

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As not many know I have another story but I didn't quite like it so I decided to stop posting and to make another one but the idea wasn't coming to my pretty little awkward mind so today was kind of family time and we were watching little kids movies don't know why and out of no where my mom starts talking about princess so me and my sister start making faces and saying things in English so she couldn't understand and the idea came to me hopefully this story gets more views and votes and I get more inspiration to write but i will probably need help so suggestions are welcome!

When you were little many of you were probably wishing to be princesses like Bella or Jasmin and even Ariel but right now I'm living Cinderella's life. Yeah some of you may think your life's suck, or each day ask yourself's why me? But right now my life is horrible. When I was little my mom die of cancer, I was too little to even know what cancer was but there was stil a question running through my head "Where was my mommy?" Soon I understood that ''Mommy" wasn't coming back. My dad thought that I needed someone to talk to, to spend quality time, and to have a laugh with so he soon meet someone. He didn't understand that instead that someone was making my life a living hell, and didn't want me or my father she wanted our money. Yeah I forgot the part that I'm rich or at least was. Anyway back to the story! The witch soon married my dad and became my step-mother and brought with her, her stuck up little bitches of daughters and made my life miserable and one night changed everything, the night my dad die in a terrible storm and I was stuck with the devil himself.  By the way the names Sky and this is my Cinderella story.

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