THIRTY-ONE | The Dance

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You and Todoroki walk into the party hall where the dance is being held.

Todoroki: You look beautiful tonight baby~

You smile at him and blush.

(y/n): Why after all this time do I still blush when you call me beautiful?

Todoroki only squeezes your hand and smiles as the two of you continue into the hall.

Hagakure: (y/n)~Chan! Todoroki~Kun! You guys look so great!

(y/n): Thank you Toru! You look amazing too!

Hagakure swishes her dress around. She was wearing a short hot pink dress with a pink flower on it. She is also wearing short pink cloves and a pink choker.

Hagakure: Thank you (y/n)~Chan! Do you mind if I take her for a dance Todoroki~Kun?

Todoroki shakes his head.

Todoroki: No it's fine, I'll be over with Midoriya and the gang.

Hagakure pulls you towards the dance floor as Todoroki makes his way over to Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, and Mei Hatsume. You and Hagakure danced until you were worn out. You were leaving the dance floor tired because even though she's invisible she had great stamina whereas you on the other hand get winded quickly.

Uraraka: Sorry (y/n), we should've warned you about Hagakure! She and Mina are some wild dancers!

You take a seat next to Todoroki and he places his arm over your shoulder.

(y/n): Yeah, I don't know how she does it I was winded after the first few minutes.

Iida: Our dearest apologies (y/n)! I will speak with Haga-

Mei: Aww come on Iida! Loosen Up! NAd lets go test out my new babies on the dance floor!

Mei grabs Iidas' hand and drags him to the dance floor. The two of them begin to dance or whatever the heck Iida does. You enjoyed the rest of the dance with your friends and boyfriend.

(y/n): I'm beat! I could really use something to drink!

You say this hinting at your oblivious boyfriends who don't catch it. You nudge him and he gets the idea. He gets up to go make your punch. You don't notice how long he's gone until Mina comes up to you.

Mina: Hey (y/n), you've been by yourself for a while! Where is Todoroki?

(y/n): He went to get me some punch but it has been a while, I'm gonna go find him.

You leave Mina and walk over to the drink table. When you reach it you notice there's no Todoroki so you get closer. You see a note and you pick it up to read it.

The Note

Told you I'd see you again Raindancer. If you wanna see this little boyfriend of yours again meet us in the old abandoned park. Come alone or your sweetheart gets it!

End of Note

You drop the note and then feel your phone vibrate in your purse. It a text from an unknown number.

Text Convo

Unknown #: Come save this pretty face (y/n), alone!

Unknown #: *Video*

End of Text Convo

You click the video and watch it. The video shows a tied up Todoroki with tape covering his mouth. You can see a few cuts and bruises on his face. Your heart begins to beat faster as you watch the video. Todoroki continues to struggle. You then hear a familiar voice.

Shigaraki: Awww I think he's trying to say something! Dabi! Remove his gag!

Dabi removes the tape from his mouth and roughly grabs his hair bring him closer to the camera.

Todoroki: (y/n)! Dont come!

Shigaraki: That's enough!

Dabi replaces the tape on Todorokis' mouth and roughly releases Todorokis hair. Shigaraki flips the camera and reveals his creepy face. 

Shigaraki: Hope to see you soon (y/n), I would hate to hurt your little boyfriend. Actually...? I love to!

You hear a punch land and the video ends. You begin to run out of the dance hall in panic. As You run you accidentally bump into Nejire. 

Nejire: (y/n)~Chan! Wh-

You ignore Nejire and run out of the hall.

Mirio: What up with her?

Nejire: I have to Idea...

(633 Words)

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