TEN | Spin the Bottle

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(A/N: This chapter is kinda long so bare with me! Enjoy :) )

Nezu informs you and Aizawa that he will be placing you into class 1A because he feels you will be more comfortable there. Aizawa and you head back to surprise the rest of class 1A. When you reach the dorms you walk in and are immediately bombarded.

Mina (Y/N)'S BACK!!

She runs up and hugs you toppling over. You then see Midoriya and Uraraka standing over you and Mina as you lay on the ground.

Midoriya and Uraraka: Welcome back (Y/N)!

They then help you and Mina up as you receive the rest of your greetings. Denki comes over to you and places his arm around your shoulders.

Denki: Welcome back beautiful.

You smile at Denki and kiss his cheek causing him to blush, drop his arm and stand at attention.

(Y/N): Hey guys! I missed you all!

You then hear an angry whisper from behind you. You turn to see Bakugou standing angrily next to Aizawa.

Bakugou: What the hell...?

He then bursts into anger and looks like his head was going to explode.


Aizawa uses his capture weapon to tie up Bakugou and calm him down. You look at Bakugou who still looks livid and snicker at him.

Aizawa: Calm down Bakugou... Due to circumstances, we will not discuss...

Aizawa looks at you and notices a slight frown. You look away from him and try to hold back your tears as you think about your sister's lifeless body in your arms.

Aizawa: (Y/N) is now a member of 1A with me as her legal guardian. That means no funny business...Mineta!

Aizawa gives Mineta a death stare because he was staring at you drooling reaching out his hand to touch you but pulls away when noticing Aizawas stare.

Mina: This is great news!

Mina hugs you again and begins to jump up and down with her arms wrapped around you.

Mina: Its causes for a celebration... PARTY IN MY DORM TONIGHT!

Everyone begins to cheer except for Aizawa who looks absolutely disappointed and annoyed.

(Y/N): I can't wait Mina.

Later at Minas dorm party

Aizawa decided he would escort you to Mina's dorm.

Aizawa: Okay (Y/N) I'm trusting you with these psychos, please be safe.

You nod and hug Aizawa.

(Y/N): Don't worry "Dadzawa" I promise ill be safe, don't worry.

He nods and walks onto the elevator with his hand in his pockets. You knock on Mina's door and it quickly swings open.

Mina: Great your here! Let's GET THIS PARTY STARTED!

Most of the night was spent dancing with everyone. Even though not everyone attended the party you still had a good time dancing and chatting till Mina approaches you with a question.

Mina: Hey (Y/N), some of us are playing spin the bottle, wanna join?

You get flustered by Minas' question. You've never even had your first kiss and spin the bottle just seemed a little risque.

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