FOURTEEN | Broken Hearts

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You and Todoroki sat in the car as it made its way back to UA. It was silent for the most part. What could you say though? The silence left you to your thoughts and about how you really felt towards Todoroki, You guys' kiss, and Bakugou. Todroki broke the silence, surprisingly.

Todoroki: How are you feeling (Y/N)?

You look at Todoroki after being freed from your thoughts. You give him a reassuring smile.

(Y/N): I'm fine Todoroki, but let's not talk about that. I had fun today.

Todoroki smiles at you and the car come to a stop. You both exit the car and begin to walk towards the building.

Todoroki: Same but, maybe we should talk about what happened on our da-

Before Todoroki finishes his sentence you push open the dormitory doors. The two of you walk in to see Mina and Kirishima sat on the sofa holding hands. When they notice the two of you the two of them let go of each other's hand and blush.

Mina: I- Uh- We weren't doing anything!

You smile devilishly at Mina who glares at you and looks away.

(Y/N): Mina~ You didn't tell me you and Kirishima were a thing!

Mina and Kirishima blush immensely.

Mina: WERE NOT! Were just...


You look at Todoroki and look back to Mina and Kirishima.

(Y/N): Well... We won't say anything until you guys do.

You smile at your friends who then thank you. Todoroki then grabs your arm pulling you away from Kirishima and Mina.

Todoroki: Can I talk to you?

You nod and he then grabs your hand and the two of you go to his dorm room.

(Y/N): What did you wanna talk about?

Todoroki: Our kiss...

You become wide-eyed and then look away from Todoroki. While you were left to your thoughts on the ride back and you became conflicted. You knew that you had feelings for Todoroki but deep down you know that you also had feelings for Bakugou. You know its probably stupid but you know the feelings are there. And you knew that Bakugou wasn't just a ball of anger and maybe that's why you have these feelings for him.

(Y/N): I don't think we should...

You begin to walk towards Todorokis dorm door but he grabs your wrist stopping you. You turn back to him and can see a look of confusion on his face.

Todoroki: Why not...

You look away from Todoroki again starting to feel extremely guilty. You had kissed him and now you basically denying his feelings. You pull your hand away from him and wrap your arms around yourself still not looking at him.

(Y/N): I think I might like Bakugou...

A look of anger and hurt begins to appear on Todorokis' face.

Todoroki: Bakugou doesn't care about anyone but himself!

You look at Todoroki slightly upset.

(Y/N): There's more to him then that Todoroki!

Todoroki relaxes his body but he still has that same look of hurt and anger on his face. He looks away from you and mumbles.

(Y/N): I just can't be with you right now...

Todoroki: Leave (Y/N)! GET OUT!

When he yells you swear you can see a slight flame appear on his left side. He pushes you out of his room slamming the door behind you. You walk slightly down the hall and slide down the wall. You then hear a door open from down the hall and see Mina come out of her room with a concerned look. She notices you crying and runs to your side. She wraps her arms around you as you cry. She then walks you to your room and sits with you till you calm down a little then she leaves but you don't know where she goes.

In Todorokis Room

Todoroki sat on his bed staring at the ceiling left with his thoughts. He then sits up and begins to think of the great time you had at the park. He couldn't understand how you could just break his heart like that. He then finds he couldn't hold it back anymore. He places his head in his hands and lets himself cry feeling as if he's dying from a broken heart.

In Bakugous Room

Bakugou sat in his room pacing. He couldn't get you off his mind and he didn't know why. He refused to admit that he liked you but he knew deep down that those feelings were there. As he continues to pace he thinks about Your face. Your smile. Your laugh. Even your anger. He finds it all attractive. He then comes to terms with his feelings and groans into his hands.

With Mina

When Mina left your room she goes to Urarakas room.

Mina: Something is wrong with (Y/N)

The two girls quickly make their way to your room where they find you with your knees to your chest in your bed crying again.

Mina: What's wrong (Y/N)?

You look at your friends with tears still rolling down your face.

(Y/N): I'm afraid to fall in love...

The girls look at you with a confused look on your face because they could have sworn that Todoroki really liked you. They have no idea about your feeling for Bakugou and how they have you conflicted.

(Y/N): What if it's not reciprocated...

Their confusion only grows as you continue to explain your problem.

Mina: What do you mean (Y/N)?

Uraraka: Afraid to fall in love with who?

You explain to them your situation and they begin to understand. They're shocked but they still understand.

(Y/N): What if I dive deep...

Thinking about Bakugou you say-

(Y/N): Will he come in after me?

Your mind then shifts to Todoroki and how closed off he is some times.

(Y/N): Will he share is flowers with me?

You begin to cry into your lap again and Mina comes to sit next to you on your bed.

Mina: Your thinkin' of it all wrong! Love will happen when it wants!

You look at her tears still rolling down your face and she places her arm on your shoulder. Uraraka then comes next to you and lays her head on your shoulder.

Uraraka: I know it hurts sometimes but don't let it go.

You smile at your friend and then lean your head back on the wall next to your bed.

(Y/N): Cuz I want him.

That last sentence leaves your mind Vague because even you don't know which one you were talking about. You wanted them both. The rest of the night your friends stay with you to cheer you up until you fall asleep and they both sneak away to their rooms.

(A/N: If you recognize the song used in (Y/N)'s dialogue, Cudos.)

(1130 Words)

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