THIRTY-THREE | A Knife in The Back

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4 Weeks Ago

Mina, Toga, and Hagakure are all hanging out at a dress shop trying to find dresses for the end-of-year dance.

Toga: Hey guys, I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

Toga leaves the other two girls and goes to the restroom. Once inside she locks the bathroom door. When Toga is in the bathroom she begins to tall to herself.

Toga: GOD! I can't do this anymore! These "Heroes" are so ANNOYING!

Twice: Hi Toga!

Toga shrieks and turns around to see Twice squatted on a Toilet.

Toga: Twice! What are you doing here?

Dabi: Yeah Twice? What are you doing here?

Toga: Dabi?! You do know this is the "Ladies" room right?

Dabi: You locked the door... were fine...

Dabi hops off the Toilet he was squatted on and leans against the bathroom door.

Toga: What are you idiots doing here! You'll blow my cover!

Twice: We missed you!

Twice hugs Toga who rolls her eyes with a smile.

Toga: Thanks but why are you idiots here?

Dabi: Why haven't you given us a date to get (y/n)?

Dabi approaches Toga with folded arms and a scowl.

Dabi: Are you having fun with them? Are you really going to betray us?

Toga: No! No! I only acted like that all those months ago dor the plan! Ive just been distracted trying to keep my cover!

Dabi: Oh really? Then give us a date Himiko! Now!

Toga bites her lip and begins to think of an appropriate date.

Toga: 4 weeks from now! Theres a dance! She'll be vulnerable! We get her then.

Dabi: Any idea how?

Toga begins to think of how she'd be able to get you away from your friends and how to get you to join them.

Toga: Hmm... that delicious looking boyfriend of hers may be a key component!

Dabi rubs Togas head like a dog and she frowns at him.

Dabi: We'll discuss the rest of the plan later on.

Toga: Now leave!

Back to the Present

Toga: Aww come on (y/n)! You didn't really think i'd join the "Heroes" right?

You drop your head in dispair. You couldn't believe that someone you thought of as a friend at one point. Could betray you.

(y/n): After all these months... I thought so... You bonded with everyone...

Toga: Awwie!

Toga begins to approach you with a smile. One she reaches you she squats down and raises your head with a knife underneath your chin.

Toga: That was the whole point! To get you to trust me! So you would let me in! So I could find your soft spot-!

She then uses the knife to point at Todoroki who is still dang near unconciousness.

Toga: and him! Thats your soft spot! And I find it so... SWEET!

(428 Words)

Flechazo My Love || S. Todoroki x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang