EIGHTEEN | Shopping Center

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Later On At Lunch

You sat with Todoroki and Tsu as you ate. At this point, everyone in the class knows about you and Todorokis' relationship. Only because you told Mina and she decided to blab about it to the whole class. Bakugou avoided contact with you at first but the two of you ended up talking about it in Present Mics class during a class project. 

Tsu: So you two really are official?

You look at Todoroki who has a slight smile on his face as he ate his Soba. You look back to Tsu and answer her question.

(Y/N): I guess so, yes.

Todorki slurps his noodles and then speaks up.

Todoroki: Even though we almost weren't...

You roll your eyes at Todoroki. 

(Y/N): Hush Shoto, you should be thanking him, he helped my decision.

Todoroki shrugs it off and continues to eat his noodles. A few minutes later Denki and Mina approach you guys.

Mina: Hey guys! Denki and I are skipping 5th Period. Wanna come?

Asui shakes her head vigourasly with a look of fear in her eyes.

Tsu: Oh No! Im not skipping with you two ever again! Aizawas detentions are ruthless.

You felt as though you needed a break from class so you were willing to skip. Your being very much a daredevil breaking Aizawas rules this morning.

(Y/N): I need a break so why not! As long as we don't get caught.

Todoroki grabs your hand and gives you a look of concern.

Todoroki: You shouldn't do this (Y/N)... its risky.

You shake your head at your worried boyfriend and giggle.

(Y/N): Shoto, your such worry wart! Itll be fine! Come on guys lets go.

You get up from your seat and kiss Todorokis cheek leaving the Cafeteria with Denki and Mina, walking to a bus stop. You get on the bus and take it towards the shopping center. When you get there the three of you begin walking around. Not buying anything, mostly window shopping

Mina: There are so many little shops here guys! Where should we go first?

Denki: Lets definitely find someone selling food.

You look at Denki with a confused look. There was no way he was hungry. You had just left school.

(Y/N): Denki, We just had lunch!

Denki raises his eyebrow at you.

Denki: That doesn't change the fact that I'm hungry. 

You and Mina laugh at Denki as he frantically searches for a food stand. After finding his food you guys walk around browsing the goods for sell. After a while you get the need to have to use the bathroom.

(Y/N): Guys I have to use the bathroom, ill be back.

You leave the group to go find the bathroom that just so happened to be 2 blocks away from the center. You walk into the bathroom and go into the stall. While using the bathroom you hear someone else come in. When you finish you was your hands and try to leave only to discover that the bathroom door has been locked from the outside. You begin to think to yourself how weird it was that the bathroom was locked from the outside. You then remember that you never heard the other person leave the bathroom.

???: Seems like were stuck in here huh raindancer?

(525 Words)

Flechazo My Love || S. Todoroki x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang