12 - First win

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I jolt awake from my sleep and scan my surrounding, I'm sure I didn't sleep in the room last night, we were watching tv, maybe he brought me here

Clearing my mind of the thoughts I pull myself off the heavy blanket covering and slowly sluggishly move towards the bathroom to complete my morning activities

As I was done with everything, I put my phone and keys in my little bag and reach the door to head downstairs.. but the door wouldn't budge, It was locked from the outside, panicking I check for the hidden keys in my cabinet but they were also missing, In worry I call Hoseok but he answered on the 5th call "YAH! WHERE ARE YOU? HOW MANY TIMES DID I CALL YOU?" "Sohee.. Sorry It was on silent" he nearly whispered "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout, but.. why is my door locked? Did something happen?" "AHH! Sorry I forgot to unlock the door"

Soon he unlocked the door, his tall figure stood in front of me, his eyes look tired, his hair messy and his voice croaky "Hobi-ah, what happened? Did you get hurt or something?" being concerned I questioned "Aniya, It's nothing big, just... just don't freak out" I looked at him with a questioning eye motioning for him to continue "Last night as we were watching tv you dozed off and soon the power went off so I took you to your room, that's when I felt as if someone else was in the house so I locked the room just to be safe, you know, so I headed downstairs to check the electricity board that's when someone hit me BUT don't worry I managed to attack him and tied him, I didn't come to the room last night because I had to make sure he didn't escape and in the morning I took him to the police, they will take care of him" he smiled and hugged me assuringly, I held him tight as I was scared to death, I couldn't even imagine him getting hurt "Sohee, don't worry nothing happened to me, nothing ever will" "But.. Why? I-I.. I'm scared, Hobi... w-what if something-g happened?" I try to push out my words without choking on the lump forming in my throat "It wasn't a big deal so don't worry"

I hit his chest hard to mark my disapproval "IT IS! YOU COULD'VE GOT HURT OR WORSE HE COULD'VE KILLED YOU" I let out the words and collapsed into his warmth, tears staining his shirt "Gwenchana.."


"Sohee, this is our first win I must say, It was found that the man was set up by your aunt's assistant" "The ajushi that worked for appa??" "Yes, she must've bribed him for all these, now we need to find some more crucial clues to shut her" It seems to be a stressful week for him, I'm sure he must be exhausted trying to protect me "Don't stress yourself hobi, we'll surely win, now go wash up I'll set up the table"

He didn't leave my side the whole evening, we both went to bed together, I know he had lot of work pending yet he's worried about me, It aches my heart to be a burden to him, he didn't even fully recover from his father's death and he has to deal with our stupid family fight, sometimes I wish If I was born poor I wouldn't have to deal with these things but then life's got other plans for you..

ETERNAL SUNSHINE - Jhope ffМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя