21 - the end of a tale (2)

33 2 3

A/N: please play the song as you read, it just gives you the feel, hope you like it! ;)

*Sohee's pov*

Both me and Jimin oppa looked at each other confused.. just then Hoseok continues speaking
"I'll start explaining everything..." he looks at me with sad eyes.. I felt a stinging pain in my heart and before he continues he... he lets out his wings..
"You see.. this is my true form, I'm- I'm an angel... which means I'm not a living human anymore" he says looking at me "Hobi! What are you saying?! How can this happen" I practically yell at this point..

"Sohee-ah, please don't freak out.. I- I died that day.. along with my father in the car, only you survived that accident..." I stared at him in shock as I felt my legs become jelly and all the strength draining away from me..

"Heaven is a real place! As my life was taken away abruptly I was given a chance to fulfill my last wish and my wish was for you to have a healthy and happy life" I can't believe that he loved me this much to even spare his life for me
"So I was sent as your guardian angel and I was given human form and abilities to help you get back your life and a little mission of my own was to get rid of your enemies and to find you a true love, this is where Jimin-ssi's role is.. I know you love Sohee as much as I do and so I wish for you to be with her as her partner"

"Hoseok-ah, what are you saying! Are you going to leave me?" I ask him panicking at his words

"Sohee.. it was all for your happiness, Jimin-ssi.. I met with Jieun when I came to your place for the first time.. she's also an angel and she's been looking after you all this while, she was the one who told me about your feelings for Sohee" I notice Jimin oppa's eyes tearing up at the mention of his sister

"She is a sweet little girl.. remember what I told you that day, she asked me to convey it to you" he said "then why didn't she come visit me like you did?" Jimin oppa asked Hoseok

"At the gate to heaven you get asked if you were happy with your life or not and certain people get their wishes granted.. Jieun said she was fulfilled with her life as your sister and so until she gets reincarnated she'll stay as an angel" Jimin oppa's cheeks got stained with tears

"Now Sohee.. as my wish got fulfilled I must leave this place... I will always love you, even if we can't be together anymore.. I won't feel sad because you gave me a lifetime full of memories to cherish.. Please fulfill my last wish that is.. for you and Jimin-ssi to continue on with your lifes as partners.. oh and also please take care of jungkookie, he's like a brother to me.. he's got nowhere else to go"

I run towards and hug him tightly "Yah.. why! Why are you leaving me!!! Who told you that you could leave me?! Hobi-ah, I love you and I can't live without you.. please!" He just smiles sadly and leans forward to kiss one last time.. his plump soft lips.. the kiss was filled with regret and sadness.. I don't want him to leave me..

"Sohee, my baby, cherish all the memories of us and don't forget me but you should move on with your life and like I said like the sun rays I will make sure to light up your world, for I will be your eternal sunshine" he says his last words and I could feel his figure vanishing slowly

"We shall meet in our next lives and hopefully live together for a long time" he says as he fully vanishes into thin air leaving behind a golden feather and his peach journal

Is this the end? Hoseok is really gone? My love.. the one I cherished the most.. Is gone

Jiminie oppa hugs me close as I collapse on the floor crying hard on my knees.. he too cries with me

*the end*

A/N: if anyone is reading this story, the story has officially come to an end however there'll a sequel.. damn the ending got me almost crying lol :')

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