06 - Love is sweet

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I dropped Jimin oppa at his home and reach my place by eight, I'm really late 

I facepalm myself as I make my way into the house, as I unlock the door I feel a hand pulling me inside by my wrist, I follow the hand to see Hoseok, I quickly hug him but he didn't hug me back

I could tell he was mad at me for something.. but I didn't dare to ask "Hobi-ah, did you have dinner? I'll go prepare something quickly" he replied only with a  "No" , I decided to ignore and not put much thought into it

I head upstairs and get changed into a pajama shorts and an oversize tee, I make my way downstairs while pulling my hair into a ponytail

"Sohee..." He half whispers, I guide myself towards him and peck his forehead but.. to my surprise he pushes me off him, I stand there dumbfounded

"Baby, what happened? Why are you acting so different today?" I manage to let these out of my mouth, my voice filled with concern and worry, he moves towards me in a quick pace "Trying to act oblivious, are you? Do you realize what time it is? I know you told me you'll be late but this.. this is beyond the normal time! Is your phone dead or did you simply choose to ignore my calls? What were you doing there for so long?" I find myself frozen in my place, my face turning pale, I can feel a lump forming in my throat, tears brimming in the rim of my eyes, I stare at the wooden floor not daring to face him

Hoseok has never been this angry, he's never shouted at me before...

A deadly silence fills the room, I dare not move an inch "Sohee-ah, I- I just- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" his tone became soothing and calm, He walked up to me slowly and pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my frail body, I find myself at ease

 "Mianhe, I went to pay my respects to Jieun, Jimin oppa was so sad, so I had to make sure he ate something so I made him dinner, that's why I was late, I'm sorry I made you worry" I half whisper these words into his ears "No, I shouldn't have acted that way, I was just too scared, with all that's happened.."

 I let my lips touch his soft plump ones, as a way of saying sorry, he doesn't let the contact between our lips break as he continues into a sweet and passionate kiss, I could feel my body heating up, It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below my ears, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingled. He ran his fingers down my spine, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us and I could feel the beating of his heart against my chest, my entire body is about collapse

 I kiss him back, getting taken by this moment and the heat and warmth of it, he pressed his tongue to the seam of my lips and, at my grant of access, delved inside my mouth, It wasn't filled with lust but with love and concern.. we finally pull apart, my eyes gazing at his, It isn't our first but I haven't got the chance to see his face, our lips moving in sync, his eyes filled with love and care until now.. I'm really grateful for this precious gift Hoseok's appa gave me, these precious eyes... I find myself being carried in Hoseok's arm, we ended up skipping dinner and cuddling each other to sleep

ETERNAL SUNSHINE - Jhope ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang