11 - Safe with me

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"Sohee! I'm back" he screamed as he was rushing towards me "Oh! What happened? What did the police say?" "We were able to track the person behind this, I had gone to see him and it turns out he was paid by someone" he continues 

"What do you mean someone?" "Well, the person didn't reveal their identity, he had never met the person, the money was sent to him anonymously" he said unsatisfyingly "Gwenchana, we atleast got this much information" I pat his shoulders to calm him down, "But, I set some spies to keep track on your aunt, this way we might get some proofs" "Hobi, don't overstress yourself, go wash up I'll make dinner" I peck his cheeks

After a few hours of dinner, we were binge watching Strong girl Bong-Soon, It was Hoseok's favorite drama, my phone screen lit making a sound


Jimin oppa                                                                                                                                                                You

> Sohee-ah, I hope you didn't sleep yet

No oppa, why? <

> I thought we could meet up during the weekends

Sure, We'll meet up at your place? :D  <

> Fine by me, you can bring Hoseok also ;)

Hehe sure <

> Anneyong, sleep well sohee

*Chat ended*

I keep my phone aside to tell Hoseok about the weekend plan, he was crying over Bong-Soon losing her power, omo sometimes he is more emotional than I am, his mouth makes a triangle shape whenever he's sad or angry, I can't do nothing but smile whenever he pouts and his mouth forming the triangle shape, it's just so cute, he looks like a kid who's ice-cream fell down but this smile doesn't appear when he's sad or when he's in pain, I feel a stinging pain in my chest and try my best to cheer him, he's so precious

I keep my phone aside to tell Hoseok about the weekend plan, he was crying over Bong-Soon losing her power, omo sometimes he is more emotional than I am, his mouth makes a triangle shape whenever he's sad or angry, I can't do nothing but smile whe...

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I could watch him pouting and whining all day long and still wouldn't get bored, he really makes my mood brighten up, his positive energy makes all my worries to disappear, I was admiring the person beside me "Yah, aren't you watching? Bong-soon lost her power!!" he sighed, clearly annoyed at the fact that I didn't show much interest in it

 "Oh y-yes, I.. I'm watching" I turn my head to face the tv to hide my blushing face but he softly pulled my head to lay in his chest, I could hear his slow and steady heartbeats, 

"Hobi, Jimin oppa just messaged" "What did he say? Why did he message at this time?" "Idk, he wanted us to meet up at his place this weekend, you'll come right?" I make a cute puppy face so that he wouldn't say no " "yah, don't look like that, we'll go" I hug him being excited 

I ended up sleeping on Hoseok's lap, he didn't take me to our room as he had some episodes left to watch 

*Author's pov*

The light in the halls started flickering and in a flash the power went off, it was pitch dark, Hoseok and Sohee were on the couch, he slowly extended his hands to hold her close to him, he was a bit scared 

Hoseok could feel the presence of another person, an unfamiliar presence that made him more scared and uncomfortable, he wanted to go check the electricity box but somehow he didn't feel like it was safe to leave Sohee alone in the dark huge room, still he can't sit idle without doing anything

He managed to turn on the flashlight in his phone, picked Sohee up in bridal style, held her closely in his arms, she was fragile, innocent and a pure soul even if she acted confident Hoseok knew how she truly was, he felt the urge to protect, he's always felt so, when she hurt herself while playing he felt so, when her high school crush broke her heart he felt so, when her parents died he felt so, when her aunt hurt her he felt so, when his father died he felt so, even now he was obliged to do the same, it was as if his whole life revolved around protecting her, giving her the love she needed

He successfully laid her down on the bed without waking her, he made sure to check the room thoroughly before leaving and because of uneasiness he felt, he locked the door made sure she was protected, he then was heading to the electricity box to check, he slowly and carefully placed each step but the uneasiness only grew more stronger

Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see but was hit by something hard, he fell on the ground holding his right arm, now he was sure that there was indeed someone else in the house, he managed to get up and he could a person wearing a mask with a iron rod in his hand as the flashlight hit the person's face

Without wasting another minute Hoseok punched the man's stomach making him yelp in pain, he then took the chance to attack him, The man fell to ground unconscious

Soon the lights came back, the house was lit up again, it all seemed like it was a plan, a plan to kill them, Hoseok had managed to tie the man onto a chair, he might look like a coward but he was indeed very strong, he spent the rest of the night waiting for him to wake up and to ensure he wouldn't run away 

ETERNAL SUNSHINE - Jhope ffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora