"Where is she?" Starr asked while walking over to Dr. Salib and looking at the charts.

"You just missed her. She walked out a few minutes ago," Dr. Salib frowned. Despite her warnings and advisements of caution, she didn't listen to her.

Luca's head shot up with his eyes narrowing and turning dark. She was crazy.



"Hot," his brain said.

"She walked?!" Blade stormed. God, she was insane in the most stupid way. He knew that she was strong and didn't care about anyone or anything, especially herself, but he didn't think that she would be walking around just after getting shot in the heart.

She should've been in a coma.

"I tried keeping her down with the anesthesia, but she fought through it and left after she got a call," Dr. Salib informed them with her face filling with concern a knowingness.

"A call from who?" Luca spoke up, his voice sounding more menacing than normal. Dr. Salib looked at him and then looked at her tattoo on her fist.

She had been called by the King.

They retreated to the staircase in silence.

For the rest of the night, they waited for her in anticipation. They drove to the arena, in hopes that she would be there by 12. A part of them hoped that she wouldn't show up and not put her in danger but they knew that there wasn't a chance of that happening.

She was shot around noon. Since then she was M.I.A.

They didn't speak to each other, but they didn't leave each other either. It was just an eery silence that spread through each of them.

They managed to keep the ambush a secret. If other gangs found out they would target them at their most vulnerable time. The members would perceive her as weak and incapable especially since she was a woman.

They would find every reason about her being weak because she's a woman and that's why no one had landed a hit on her.

She always knew things before they happened and was on top of her game.

But this time was different.

So they kept it hush.

They were close to giving up hope, until the grandfather clock that stood in the room they were in at the first fight, stroked 12.

Then she walked in.

Instead of her usual leggings and sports bra, she wore an oversized shirt with spandex. But she still looked threatening, even more now since her skin was paler and eyes were darker. There were bruises all over her arms and legs, bright red scratches, and long gashes. She looked as if she climbed out of hell.

He couldn't keep his eyes off of her as she killed one at a time, instead of taking them all on at the same time. Most of them didn't put up a fight as she slowly and carefully snapped their necks with as little movement as possible. Those who did put up a fight were quickly put down. She avoided punching anyone, the movement would tear out her stitches if she tried and Luca was grateful that she had some regard for herself. Instead, she did defensive moves to protect herself and aimed for their necks as fast as she could.

Play song now

About twenty minutes was all it took for her to finish the job, and she was gone again. It took longer than usual since she did go one at a time and went slower than normal.

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