Chapter 5

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Corpse POV

So I text Sykkuno to see if he is still up. To be honest, I can't really tell you why I am interested in talking to Panda or where the boldness to ask how to contact her is coming from but I want to at least keep it cool.

"Hey, playing with your friend was fun, she seems to be a natural at this game"

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that. I thought she would be horrible, especially with you with us"

"Why so?"

"One of her weaknesses is deep voices so I thought you would be a good secret weapon to find out things whether she was crewmate or an imposter"

"Interesting, she seems to like challenging people"

"Yeah...hey! You should tell her this. I'm sure she would like to know that people really liked playing with her and just wasn't being nice because of me"

"Sure I guess, but I don't know how to contact her"

"I'll send you her number, I'm sure she won't mind"

"Oh, thanks. Have a good night, and sorry for keeping you up"

"Good night and no problem"

I get her number from Sykkuno and save it into my phone, I soon get notifications of other social media she has linked to her phone number and follow them. She's cute, but there's something mysterious about her. I message her telling her who I am and that Sykkuno gave me her number and then I tell her how good she was at among us.

"Thank you Corpse, that means a lot coming from you. It was my pleasure playing against you"

"Sykkuno told me that you don't tend to play with people, do you think you will now?"

"I think so, it will take time for me to get used to it but I don't mind playing with others. Especially those who are a challenge like you"

"I'm a challenge huh? I will get you soon enough, everyone falls for me and my voice"

"If you remember I prefer your laughter sir if anything you might fall for me. You did ask a friend for my number right love?"

"Nooooo, Sykkuno suggested me telling you how good you were at among us. Also, it isn't painful talking for the most part so if you actually like my voice you don't have to feel bad about it"

"Good to know...I hope I'm not keeping you up. I know you don't sleep very much but I don't want to add on to the reasons why you can't sleep"

"Hmmm, did someone do research on me? How sweet but don't worry,  you aren't keeping me up"

"You were trending on my Twitter along with your hands so I was curious as to why, it led to a slightly deep rabbit hole so I know a little bit about you"

"Are you a fan?"

"Do your fans get to talk to you this late at night? If not then no. I would like to become a friend at a minimum but I know that will take a while which is fine."

"Friends huh, that would involve you getting to know me bad and ugly."

"I will turn all the bad and ugly to good and beautiful. The bad and ugly you speak of is probably not as bad as you make it seem"

"I rarely can manage to leave the house"

"Then don't, we can face time but have your camera off so your identity is still hidden. We can start our own little horror journey, if we ever meet it can be in a really secluded area like the woods or abandoned buildings. I know you won't kill me *laughing*"

"I just might take you up on that offer, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Work, most my income comes from youtube but I do work at a coffee shop"

"And you let me keep you up?!?!? Go to bed, I'll talk to you tomorrow"

"Fine, good night sir"

"Good night Panda"

~At work~ Panda POV

So today has been surprisingly busy. No one knows who I am here because I wear make-up at work so I don't look like Panda. I have about 10 more minutes before I take my lunch break when this man comes in, he's tall and dressed fully in black. I can't see his face but he seems quite anxious.

"Welcome to Aroma's coffee and bakery, what can I get for ya?"

"Can I get a blueberry muffin and a large coffee with 4 sugars and 3 creams please"

"Of course *notices his hands shaking to get the money* oh, you pay afterward but it is pretty loud in this area. Would you like somewhere quieter? I can bring you your drink when it's ready"

"Umm sure, thank you"

"Okay, follow me hun"

So I tell Claire to take cover on the register for a couple of minutes and take the gentleman to a back corner hidden away from all the noise and view of people.

"I'll be right back with your drink okay, hopefully, this privacy will help calm your nerves a bit *giggles* I normally come here on my lunch breaks and when I need to relax"

So I go and make his drink and my specialty drink with a note. Then I grab his muffin and head back to his area. I announce my presence as I am coming so I don't scare him and set his things down.

"This is on the house by the way, my lunch break is in a few so I'll check back here one more time before I order my food okay"

"*grabs my wrist* you should...join me"

"Would that be helpful? Would that be okay?"

"It would"

"Okay, sure. Be back in a bit"

A/N: Who is this mystery person? Has a fan noticed Panda? Where will Panda and Corpse lead? What about Sykkuno? Guess we'll have to find out the next chapter. Thanks to everyone for reading my story so far. Please continue to read, comment, vote, and add this story to your library. XOXO

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