Chapter 21

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Corpse POV

I...have awakened a monster and I love it! Gosh I love this woman so much, it's torture that she can leave all these love marks on me since I don't show myself but I can't leave any on her...or can I? Anywho, I'm not quite sure when I fell asleep but I woke up alone. I know she didn't go far but I feel like a cheap one-night stand, not even a note was left for me to know where she went. So I get up and stretch before going to shower, get dressed and change the sheets. Then I walk around the house looking for her to find her in my guest room, I guess that would be the safest room to record. I mean, there's nothing there to identify where she is. I catch her right as she finishes up and cuts the recording, I walk in and hug her from behind startling her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you *kisses along her shoulder*"

"It's fine, how'd you sleep papa bear?"

"The best sleep I have gotten in a very long time, you might have to be my own night medicine so I can sleep"

"*turns facing you smiling* I'm sure I can do that much. You hungry?"

"Not really but I do want to cuddle so *picks her up bridal style and carry her back to the room*"

"Hey! Put me down I'm too heavy"

"*walks into the room before stopping in my tracks* Who told you that? You are not heavy at all, you're perfect for me baby *sets her down and snuggles behind her* All the right places are filled perfectly just for me *caresses her body leaving kisses along her side*"

"Why are you so perfect *lifts my hands to her lips and kisses them*"

"Because of you, I see you finished your video. I have tons of questions to answer but I'll do it later"

"Do it when you're ready, don't push yourself if it will stress you out"

"Thanks but I need to defend my woman...especially since she just lost her best friend for me"

"I'll be alright, we'll make it through all of this together"

~3 days later~

Corpse POV

I guess I've waited long enough and should answer people's questions so I go to my QnA section and start going through the questions. They don't actually seem too bad...until I get to the end

"Who approached who?"

So I technically messaged her first but she approached me first not knowing it was me at the time

"How did you two even start dating when you don't show your face?"

I was having a panic attack at her job and she went to calm me down not knowing it was me since my face was covered of course. That meant a lot to me so I initiated us talking a lot more and over time I felt more comfortable and slowly showed different parts of my face until months later I let her see what I looked like

"Were you two talking when she did the daywalker photoshoot?"

Yeah, she did that to tease me since we couldn't go public about us and it drove me crazy

"Were you the reason she started wearing cat ears?"

Yes, this was another subtle thing she did to kind of hint at us being a thing but not make me feel uncomfortable until I was ready to announce us as a thing

"What did you do for your first date?"

Strangely enough...we've never been on a real date. One of us is always going through so much that we take care of each other. I should ask her if it bothers her that we've never been on an official date

"How far have you two gone, if you catch my drift?"

I'll never tell

"Why her? You have way prettier options"

She's the prettiest in my eyes so why not her?

"When did you know she was the one you wanted to date?"

When I told her to visit for the first time and when she arrived I was crippled on the couch, her first thing was to take care of me and never made me feel bad for being a wreck

"How serious do you think this relationship is?"

I've never been happier, I hope this lasts forever

"Why did you let her come between you and Sykkuno?"

She didn't, Sykkuno actually introduced us

"We'll never accept her for ruining your relationship with Sykkuno, did you know about these pictures with him?"

Yes, I know everything about her and her friendship with Sykkuno. We discussed this before even getting together

"Are you sure she can be faithful? She looks pretty close to Sykkuno"

Absolutely, I trust her because she has proven numerous times she can be trusted

"Is this all a stunt for a future collab or something? The timing is just weird and a lot of people stir up drama to get ratings up for future projects, you know you don't have to do that right?"

No stunt, someone actually wants me. Strange right?

"She's using you and Sykkuno for your popularity, she's just going to leave you both looking ridiculous"

She has literally never exposed or mentioned either of us in anything to draw our fans to her so I don't think she is using us but thanks for your concern

I submit the last answer, posting them individually on IG but also into a youtube compilation for anyone who does not use Instagram. Just as I'm finishing up I get a call from Sykkuno, I hesitate but answer it anyway.


"You were right, the better man won"

"You really should have thought better of your friend, did you really think she would cheat on her boyfriend?"

"No, but I did think she would consider it since it was me. There wasn't an ounce of questioning in her eyes. She's head over heels for you, I have never seen her look at me the way she did. It didn't feel good"

"How did she look at you?"

"Like I was a stranger that she wished she never met, she really gave up everything we been through for you. I hope you understand how big that is for her since I was all she had"

"I don't think I'll ever fully understand the intensity of that action but I know I'll make sure she'll never regret it"

"Take care of her for me, I don't know if she'll ever forgive me, and as crazy as it sounds I only wanted what was best for her"

"I'll give her that...bye Sykkuno, it was nice while it lasted"

I hung up before he could say anything else, she's finally mine. All mine and nothing can tear us apart.


A/N: If you made it this far I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am a horrible writer but I like writing so I do it and every single read, comment, and vote means the world to me. Seeing people add my story to their to-read list makes me feel special. So thank you! I love and appreciate all of you. More random stories to come.

Miss you (Corpse Husband)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن