Chapter 3

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~Day of gameplay~

Panda POV

"Hiiiiiii, how are all my adorable cubs? If you don't know me I'm Panda and I consider myself a gamer but nowhere near a pro. Today I will be going outside my comfort zone and gaming with other people. I know a lot of you guys have been asking me to work with certain gamers and I have been avoiding it but a friend convinced me to give it a try. If all goes well I will start streaming my gameplays. Wish me luck playing among us and if no one has told you I love you today then let me be the first. I love you, I support you, and I care about you. Talk to you soon, *blows kiss to the camera*"

I upload the short video to my IG story and youtube and decide to do some organizing of my room. Seeing that Sykkuno told me they use video/audio to defend themselves I should have it look at least a little bit nicer. I take the whole day cleaning and airing out my room, once that is done I decide to take a shower and change into some comfy clothes and light my warm vanilla sugar candle. It was coming close to game time so I ordered sushi rolls and a cookie creme boba tea, a weird combination I know but don't judge me, and got my system set up.

Corpse POV

So I logged in to see everyone there and Sykkuno decides to introduce his friend.

"Hi everyone, I'm Panda I'm excited to play with all of you but I am new to this so hopefully I don't annoy you all too much"

She sounds...adorable. Everyone says hello and welcomes her but it wouldn't be a normal game if I didn't get introduce personally. Let's see how she reacts to my voice.

"Hello Panda"

"Hi Corpse, it's an honor to play with you. I heard you're really good at this game"

"It's all in his voice, everyone gets drawn in by his voice" Valkyrae says

"I prefer his laughter, it sounds lighter so it doesn't seem as painful. It feels weird to simp over his voice knowing part of the reason it sounds like that is because of damaged vocal cords. So I'm sorry if that's how you get everyone to trust and fangirl all over you but you're going to have to work a little harder now that I'm here *laughs*"

"Well let's play then, I'm more than up for the challenge"

Wow, I've never got that reaction for my voice before. It's considerate of her but I should tell her that it's not painful, at least not in a talking sense. So we start the game and I am a crewmate so I go to do my tasks and everything is going well for a while when a body is reported.

"Lily is dead in electrical" Valkyrae says

"I was in the cafeteria doing the vending machine task but I have a question for Dashie" Panda says

"Yes?" Dashie asked in the form of a question

"Love your videos by the way I watched you growing up and still do but my question is this...can you teach me how to vent like you did so I can do my tasks quicker?"

Everyone laughs and the majority of us start voting.

CaRtOoNz has voted. 8 remaining.
Valkyrae has voted. 7 remaining.
Corpse has voted. 6 remaining.
Sykkuno has voted. 5 remaining.

"WAIT. WHAT? NO, I DIDN'T VENT" Dashie tried to explain

"Panda, can you explain what you saw?" Toast ask

"Sure. so I was in the upper engine I believe fueling the engines and then went to Medbay to do the scan. Right as I was leaving the scan I turned back to see if I had any more task to do and I saw Dashie popped out the vent but before I could reach the cafeteria for an emergency meeting a body was reported"

Toast has voted. 4 remaining.
Poki has voted. 3 remaining.
Masayoshi voted. 2 remaining.

"Why has everyone voted already? Come on Dashie, there are 10 seconds left. How do you vent?"


"Just vote Dashie out, we'll explain next meeting Panda"

Panda has voted. 1 remaining.
Dashie has voted. 0 remaining.
Dashie has been ejected.

Wow, she really is new to this game...or was that a strategy. Anywho the game goes on for a while with Toast, Poki, Valkyrae, and CaRtOoNz dying before an emergency meeting was called by Panda.

"Well I think it is Masayoshi"

"Why me? I think it is you"

"Well, since this game has started you have gone to upload twice but never download, you faked trash, and you tried to kill Corpse for the longest in the cafeteria because he was on to you. To top that all off you skipped when it came to voting Dashie off, imposters either skip or vote last to seem loyal to their partner"

Corpse has voted. 3 remaining.
Sykkuno has voted. 2 remaining.
Panda has voted. 1 remaining.

"It wasn't me" 

"Then vote me then and hope that the other two didn't vote you out"

Masayoshi voted. 0 remaining
Masayoshi has been ejected

Everyone tells her how good she did her first round and we explain to her that you can only vent when you're an impostor. We start the next round and I'm an imposter with Sykkuno. This should be pretty interesting.

A/N: I think I will do another chapter with two more games of among us (probably shorter) and the following chapter will be them talking outside the game. I have never actually played among us but I have watched a lot of gameplays so hopefully, this sounds somewhat accurate. Thanks for reading my story, please continue to read, comment, vote, and add this story to your library. I love you all and until next time, XOXO

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