Chapter 20 (The Management)

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Ava's POV.

Management has been my worst nightmare whenever it was about Zayn.  When two people love each other,why it has to be someone who comes in between. The worst part was that  they dont even know about the video.

"We have a meeting after performance. And I think we have to tell them everything leaving the video aside. You know what I mean. About you and.. Zayn", Louis says and my breathe stops.

"I think you should come with us. I mean, Zayn will get harsh if they say anything and we will need you to control him. Only if you want", Niall says and looks at everyone else and they nod in agreement.

"What do you say?,

I say a NO. Damn it. I am scared to face my team and you are telling me to come with you. But wait, its for Zayn.

"Okay I will", I say and their smile brightens.

We all sit on the couch for next four hours. I pretended to listen to them, but actually I was thinking about what is going to happen next?

Suddenly the door opens and we see Zayn coming out. His eyes were red but still full of sincerity . I get up and hug him tightly. He dips his head on my shoulder and I feel a warm drop of water falling on it . It was his tear. Yes,he was crying.

"Its okay Zayn, we will get through it all" I say and  he whispers some words in my ear. "Thank you", he says and I kiss him lightly on his cheek.

They all get ready and reach the arena where they had to perform after fixing the time when I can join them to the management office. Meanwhile I try to finish my work of the day.

6 hours later


My phone began to ring. I have a look at it and as expected it was Zayn.

"Hello", I say trying to sound warm.

"Umm--A..Ava", Zayn stutters. He was still ashamed of his behaviour last night and it was clear through his voice. I was still angry at him. But I can't deny the fact that he needed me right now and so did I.

"Hey Zayn. Whatsup!" I say and try to make him realise *Its okay*. It used to astonish me that how when people are in love they say something else and mean something else yet,they understood each other but now it was happening to me and it no longer astonished me.

"We are leaving to the management office. Will you join me? It will make me a little strong" he said in a pleading tone. How can someone say no to that tone.

"Ofcourse I will be there. Just give me 10 minutes and I will be there" I say and we end up the call.

I reach the place and take a lift to the third floor. My heart was beating loudly and my hands were cold. I just wished everything to be perfect. I reach the floor and see five of them waiting for me outside a  glass cabin.

I see Zayn alone in a corner standing and gazing at me as I talked to others.

I walk up to him and take his hand in mine.

"Whatever the decision will be,remember I am not going anywhere", I say and his eyes smile from the corner if his cheeks.

We go into the cabin. I see a blonde female there and two men who were looking strict. "This is going to be horrible", I think to myself

After all the sweet tounge was over the blonde female turned towards Zayn.

"Well I must say your behaviour was unacceptable from last couple of days" she says in a bossy tone and zayn just Lowers his eyes and runs his hand through his hair

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