Chapter 2 (The begining)

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The curtains raised up and the huge stage was in front of me. There were a lot of people at the venue. All of them were laughing and engaged in some conversation but i was alone .

And frankly speaking i had no

concern about other people. I was nominated for the "Artist to watch " award... i kept my fingers crossed that i get the award

And i was pretty confident i will get it because my songs broke some pretty records

As i was lost in the ocean of my own thoughts and suddenly, a hand grabs my shoulder

"Hey, how are you"?

i can see Ed Sheeran beside me.

"Oh ,hi are u? I ask in full surprise..

I never thought this personality will come up to me and say " Hey"!!!

"oh so you recognised me".. he asks and his lips draw a sleek smile on his face

"Ya i know you", ummmm everybody knows you. I smile but get embarrassed about my own cheesy answer

"Well now everybody knows you too.. Great work you have done in your first album . I should look forward to get a collaboration with you if u aren't too busy with one direction!!!" He half smiles .

"One direction". I wonder

"Ya actually they told me about the collaboration with you and they asked me if i could write something for their new album..but i guess they haven't approached you yet" He says with his eyebrows drawn in a single line and his hand runs through his red head.

"Well they haven't approached me yet ..... but I'll love to work with them uhhh and u too..." i wink and he half smiles.

"Well this is not the place to talk about these things" he says as he stands up from the seat besides me..

"I am looking forward to your performance" he says when he start to walk away.

I nod and my eyes follow him until he is out of my sight.

"So one direction and me _______collaboration will be great. They seem to be nice ..i think to myself and the award night starts


Time passes and okay time for my award.

I close my eyes for a second and cross my fingers so that i get the award..i silently pray to God

Zayn's Pov.

As i have a look at the nomination list and a name that keep repeating in my mind "Ava" .

I don't know why but a part of me wants her to win the awards.

As Liam open the envelope i have a final look towards her.

Her eyes closed and a small hope on her face .. She gives a childish look towards us when we are about to announce the winner.

The smile of my face brightens when i hear Harry whispering in my ear "Its her"!!!

"And the award goes to Ava McLean.." Naill announces

She opens her eyes and for a fraction of seconds she is still..

Ava's POV

It was not hard to believe that i got the award but the excitement that filled me about getting my new award was overwhelming ...

I walk towards the stage and try my best not to fall and somehow i managed to walk towards the stage without falling.

I walk towards those five guys and i walk one by one towards them




Harry and

Zayn was the order and i hugged them one by one..

I was so excited by the award that i forgot that i will be working with them very soon

My heart was thumping loudly as i grabbed the mic

"I would like to thank all the people who supported me and helped me reach at this stage and hold this beautiful award. I would also like to thank my lovely fans who have supported me through every thing . I really love u guys" i finally manage to say while breathing loudly in my mic. I am sure it sounded awkward but i had the right to sound awkward it was my first award after all.

I say goodbye to the five lads knowing that we will meet very soon.

I get off the stage to get dressed for my live performance within 15 minutes .

I get dresses in a Gucci dress

A white fitted dress fitted completely and ended above my knees.

As i went outside my room i again see the same five faces i saw on the stage before.

"Hi" i say as i see all of them moving towards their room .

"Oh hey! Congratulations" the blonde one says as he pulls his hands towards me

"Thank you" i say and he grabs my hand in a friendly handshake.

"Hey i am Harry". The curly headed one pulls his hand towards me

"Oh !Harry Potter!! I say as i grab his hand...everyone smiles and i giggle

"Sorry, when i laugh its uncontrollable" i say when i wipe the corner of my eyes

'I hope these are just laughter tears and not because u heard from Ed about our collaboration with you', Louis interrogates.

"No its not like that . I am looking forward to that proposal and i'll love to do that" i say as we stop laughing at my not so funny joke.

"But "i continue" i write my songs myself only if its okay with you , i would like to write it myself"

" That's cool ...we will sing and write it together...... all of us what about that guys " he says as he looks to the other guys.

"That will be great" Louis says and everyone nods in agreement.

" I have to go ..i have to perform but ill see u guys soon".I say as a girl says i have to perform in five minutes.

"So tomorrow in the studio" blonde one says again.

" No,not the studio i feels strange ..if you guys don't mind let it be my house..only if its okay with you guys i feel a little awkward in studios when it comes to writing " i say and hope they wont feel how stupid i am.

"Sounds okay" Harry says and breaks the silence.

"Better than okay", Liam says and i fell a little less awkward.

"So ill see u guys tomorrow ..please contact my manager about my number or anything..and tell her when we can meet i have to rush now bye" i say before leaving...

"I can smell something special in the future with her " Louis says and i can still hear them as i adjust my earpiece off stage.

"I think i should call Elanor "Harry teases him with a smile,

They push each other and disappear in the room as i go onstage to rock everyone with my performance

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