Chapter19(Forgive & Forget)

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Ava's POV.

I fall on the couch. My heart was thumping loudly. My knees were shaking. And my heart was constantly saying "Its a lie" but my mind screamed "Back off". Eleanor sat next to me and held my hand in both of her hands.

"I am sure he will have a valid reason" she says and presses my hand firmly.

"I am not a child. Leave everything about me. What hurts me more is that now what he has to undergo now" I say and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Ava. Why are you crying?" This day couldn't go any worse. Alice came down. She was rubbing her eyes and opened them wide as she saw me crying.

I look at Eleanor and plead her with my eyes to take her away.

"Lets get you cleaned and dressed up", Eleanor says and takes Alice in her arms.

I lift my knees upto my face and dig my face in them. Suddenly my phone began to ring. It was Louis.

"Hello" was all I could say.

"Ava, are u okay", he say and i take a deep breathe.

"I cant be any worse, Where is he?" I say and wonder why i care after all the things he has done to me.

I have to hate him. Just hate him for what he has done to me. But i dont know why i had to know how he is.

"Well thats why i called you. I wish i could say that he is fine. But i think we need u here right know." When he highlighs the words 'right now' a shiver travels down my spine and i immediately get up.

"Is he okay", I say and run my hand through my hair in frustration. Its the time when I hear some glass breaking noise. How I wish its not him.

"Well i wish i could say yes but its a No, we have to perform in 6 hours and if management gets to know about this, he will be in severe danger" He say and I start running upstairs.

"I think we need u here", he says and within fraction of seconds i say "Yes" .

"Where are you guys", I ask as my walk towards my room.

"We are at Zayn's place which looks like a cave right now" he says and I scream for Eleanor.

"Okay i will be there in ten" i say and we hang up.

"Why are you screaming" Eleanor aays as she appears in my room.

I describe her the whole scene and the tension cover's up her face now.

"Are you sure you want to go. I mean you know what he has done." She says and i look at her eyes a little deeper.

"I am still mad at him. But the thought of him getting hurt by anything haunts me" I say and step in my closet.

I get dressed in a grey Levi's sweat shirt and dark blue jeans and sneakers.I tie my hair in a simple braid.

I grab my phone and keys and head towards his place.

"My mind was in constant fight with my heart. But i think love wins over every fight and I cared for him. But the more I care the more it hurts. But right now all I can think about is Zayn.

I reach their and knock at the door.

Liam opens the door and he has a scary look on his face. Our eye contact breaks when i suddenly hear another glass breaking sound.

"He is in there", Liam directs me towards a room.

"I know you will come up with the best"

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