Tae cleared his throat and turned to Jungkook. "So are you going to tell us where you are taking us Jungkook?" 

Jungkook turned around and pulled a face, as if the answer was obvious. "Remember when it was Jisoo's turn to do the task?"


"No I don't think I recall that..." Tae said, folding his arms.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and continued. "Well her task was to push the button at the bottom of a swimming pool and whilst she was doing that, water rose above ground level and reached almost to the ceiling"

Tae and I nodded curiously, eager to find out where Jungkook was going with this. "When Jisoo pushed the button, the water drained pretty quickly and that had to go somewhere big enough to fit all that water inside, and quickly too..." My mind went back to the moment Jisoo pushed the button: the water had drained so quickly and efficiently that it was gone within 10 seconds. I had never thought of how that had happened. 

"If there is a place big enough to drain all that water, it must be able to fit us inside too and maybe it can take us somewhere" Jungkook suggested, "I was thinking about this when Jimin went to check out the pool and I found the drain" My mind flashed back to when Jungkook was walking around the room in deep thought. Oh so that's what he was looking for! I thought.

Jungkook suddenly ran to the corner of the next room which was hidden by a dark shadow. Tae and I followed him, copying Jungkook in trying not to get distracted by Jisoo's body that was rotting next to us. We couldn't let the memory of the event of her death cloud our route to escape, no matter how bad it sounded. We will back to give you a proper burial I thought, thinking that maybe she will receive my 'thought message' up in heaven or something. 

"Here it is" Jungkook said, pointing to the corner. Tae and I walked to up to investigate what he was pointing at, and in doing so, we found the point where the water was rapidly sucked down. It looked like a huge entrance to a sewer which was blocked by a rusty metal fence. I looked down past the bars and saw a stream of extremely dirty water  flowing in a particular direction. 

"That's disgusting" I whispered to myself. The thought of travelling down there did not seem pleasing whatsoever.

"Jungkook you are amazing" Tae said, clapping his hands in excitement. "So what are we waiting for? Let's go" Jungkook bent down, gripped his hands around the bars and pulled. The bars did not budge. He positioned himself in a different way for extra balance and pulled hard again. The bars still did not budge. Just then, the sound of rushing footsteps echoed around the building, cueing for my heart to start beating fast. 

"Jungkook... pull it..." I said urgently. My heart beat was begin to match the pace of the hurried footsteps coming towards us and my body began to tremble uncontrollably. 

"Well don't just stand there idiots - HELP ME!" Jungkook demanded. Immediately, Tae and I bent over, grabbed the bars and pulled with all our might. The fence jolted a bit but not any further. Immediately, Tae jumped back and groaned in pain. I had completely forgotten he had been shot. I was about to tell him that he didn't have to do it but Jungkook got to him first. 

Jungkook took hold of Tae's shoulders and shook him hard, causing Tae to groan even louder. "Look Kim Taehyung, I know you are very hurt and I feel for you, but it's either we do this, or we give up now and all the situations we have come out alive from would be for nothing. Y/N broke her finger but I would never let her give up over some pain. You will never see your family again if Boris wins. Do you understand me?" Jungkook said. Tae nodded and got back to pulling the bars straight away. Good job Jungkook I thought, smiling to myself. It was nice to see that we all still had hope and motivation for living even after all this shit.

"I'm gonna count down from three and we are all gonna pull together" Jungkook guided. "3... 2.... 1.... PULL!" We all pulled with all our might, trying to block out the sound of defeat quickly coming our way. Tae's face was scrunched up from the pain he felt from his wound and blood had started to seep out of it, but nevertheless, he carried on to pull as hard as he could. I also tried to ignore the burning pain in my broken finger as I struggled to wrap it around the bar and pull. 

Just as I thought it was no use, the metal fence gave way and was yanked off its hinges. I gasped in excitement and clapped my hands but that excitement was quickly removed when the sounds of voices echoed around the building, signaling that the soldiers were very close. Jungkook did not hesitate to jump inside the hole and a splash from the stream was quickly heard when he landed. Without saying a word, Tae also jumped inside the hole. The voices of the soldiers began to sound very clear and was no longer just an echo around the room. 

I grabbed the fence, jumped inside the hole and tried to secure the fence back to where it was as quickly as possible. I gave a frightened cry when I realised that the fence was not getting back into place as quickly as I wanted it to. "Hurry up Y/N...." Jungkook whispered with a panicky tone. 

"I'm trying to" I snapped at him with a wobbly voice. I could tell that the soldiers were only in the next room since I clearly heard one of them say: "If you see even one of them, shoot them. Shoot to kill"

Finally I heard the fence click into place, just as the door burst open and the soldiers stormed into the room. 

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