The Return of an Outcast

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Gandalf overlooked the beautiful city of Rivendell, and couldn't withhold a smile across his face, when he saw the black and brown spotted horse, with a lonely rider, pass though the gates. He didn't think she would come. For almost a century had he been missing the song of her voice and the beat of her good heart, and yet now he became afraid that she might not be welcome in the elven realm.

"Gandalf, the ring cannot stay here", Lord Elrond continued, pulling Gandalf out of his frozen gaze.

"This peril belongs to all Middle Earth. They must decide now, how to end it." Lord Elrond followed Galdalf's gaze to the cloak bearing silhuet, now floating up the staircase towards them.

His eyes filled with anger and disbelief as he returned them to the grey wizard.

"Do you think that she will be your salvation? That she will do what needs to be done, when time comes? You know as well as I, that she has already missed that chance."

Just had he finished these words, when the lonely rider had reached the library. She stopped abruptly in the doorway, as her eyes met his.

She took down her hood to reveal her shining white hair and piercing green eyes. Half of her hair was bound in the back revealing her pointy ears rimmed with silver.

"Just have I arrived, yet already it seems I have overstayed my welcome" the elleth said confused.

"My dear Athëa!" Gandalf said, stepping in front of Lord Elrond to embrace her.

But the elleth stepped back, still fixating her eyes on the Lord of Rivendell.

"My dear lord. I know you bear mistrust in me, and with good cause. But believe me when I say, that I have as much to loose as anyone else in this Middle Earth. And that I won't give up at any cause. If I would, I had done so many centuries ago."

Silence filled the room.

"Very well" Lord Elrond nodded in approval, yet disbelief filled his voice.


"You lied to me!" Athëa said to Gandalf as the doors to the library closed behind them.

He replied: "You would have never come, had you thought you still weren't welcome in your home. And I believe it is of upmost importance that you are included in this quest." Gandalf laid a hand on her shoulder.

"And so does Elrond, even though he will never admit it" he continued with a smile.

"Athëa!", a fair voice called from behind them. They turned around to see the beautiful Arwen run towards them. She took the elleth into her arms in a heartfelt embrace. "My father does not approve of your arrival, yet I know he is as happy to see you alive and well as I am", she smiled at Athëa. "Come, there is someone I wish for you to meet".

Gandalf smiled at the two elleths and nodded in approval for them to take their leave.

Athëa followed Arwen to a small room, to be introduced to a man of Edain. Athëa bowed her head to the dark haired ranger, recognizing him as Aragorn, the heir of Isildur, the king of Men. He bowed his head, looking back at her in wonder, for he as well knew of her name


It was easy to see, though they tried to hide their affection for one another, that love was between them. Knowing how hard it was with interracial relationships, the happiness she felt for them was overpowered by the sadness of the hardship they had to go through.

"You worry", Lord Elrond had sneaked up behind Athëa, while she was watching the loving couple striding through the beautiful city of Rivendell.

"Of course I do, brother. Do you not?", Athëa asked.

"I do. Soon the last elves of Middle Earth will leave for Valinor, and Arwen will leave Aragorn and her love for him behind", he replied.

"And if she stays for him, she will either live for all eternity with a broken heart after his soon coming death, or face the cold touch of death soon thereafter." Athëa stated with sadness in her voice.

Elves were gifted with eternal life from the God Eru. They walked Middle Earth as the beings closest to the Gods. They could only ever love once, and it was not uncommon for them to die from a broken heart if they lost their love. The same applied for Arwen's love for Aragorn. Even though Aragorn was Numenorian, he would only live approximately 200 years, which could seem as a mere second in the eyes of the immortal elves.

"She will leave for Valinor!", the otherwise calm elf snarled at her.

"Stubborn as always I see. My dear brother, sometimes the correct decision isn't always the right one. But it is never the less Arwen's decision to make," she said calmly.

"And what would a desserter know of this!? You didn't have any trouble turning your back to your kin! Leaving for your own adventures as soon as Ada and Naneth sailed to Valinor, leaving me behind to take care of our people! Alone!"

"Even now, when my predicaments of Sauron's rising have been validaded, you still doubt my decision to leave?" she said, not believing her ears.

They stood there in silence for a moment, both looking out on the stars filling the night sky.

"One could say 'I told you so', was it not for the bad mood" she stated sarcastically, rolling her eyes and nudging her brothers arm, trying to make him smile.

"Don't push your luck, half blood! I could have you beheaded at a flick of my wrist!" Elrond warned, fighting a smile that was threatening to form on his lips.

"Though you hide your rounded ears behind those silver earpieces, it is still easy to trace the blood of men in your veins, by the harshness of your tongue", he smirked.

"Just admit it brother. We might not share the same blood, but you love me with all of your cold elvish heart", she taunted with an exaggerated smile.

"I might have missed your presence sister, but I definitely haven't missed your poorly constructed sense of humor", he stated looking dearly at her.

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