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"Come on, Gimli", Legolas' voice was heard in the distance.

The sun stood high, making the grass covering the rocky slopes seem a blinding green. Was it not for his short legs struggling to keep up with the pair while lifting the weight of the Dwarf's heavy body and amour, Gimli would have much appreciated the beautiful view.

"Three day's and night's pursuit... no food, no rest and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell", he mumbled displeased in his beard.

"Come on, Gimli", Legolas repeated from afar. "We're gaining on them"

Legolas regained hope of saving their two small companions as he and Aragorn continued on. Much so that he almost didn't hear the dwarfs annoyed statement about dwarfs not being born sprinters, but very dangerous over short distances.

A few hours later though, Gimli finally got a chance to gain his breath as Legolas stopped abruptly.

"Riders are coming", he said looking to the vastness of the green clad hills.

Moments later, the said same hills were covered in riders, and the air rang thick with the sound of thundering hooves.

"Riders of Rohan! What news from the mark!?", Aragorn stepped forward, revealing himself to the riders.

The helmet bearing riders turned at the question, and soon the three companions found themselves surrounded, spears pointing at them from all around.

The leader of the group, was silent on his horse for awhile, looking at the three in front of him. He stepped of his horse and removed his helmet.

"An elf, a man and a dwarf", he stated, surprise lingering in his voice. "She spoke of truth", his eyes widening at the realization, signaling to his men to lower their spears.

"Of what truth do you speak?", Aragorn said, stepping closer to the man he recognized to be Èomer son of Eomund, nephew to the king of Rohan.

"During the night we slaughtered a band of orcs, on the outskirts of Fangorn", Èomer explained, pointing to the west. "To our surprise we found a silver eared female in their midst, seemingly fighting them by our side"

"A silver eared elleth you say", Gimli said with a astonished sigh, turning his eyes on the ellon next to him.

"Athëa", Legolas whispered to himself, before he turned a stern look to Èomer. "Where is she now?"

"She joined us willingly in our journey back to Edoras. But you see, the evil scurrying these lands has poisoned the mind of the king and he no longer tells friend from foe.", Èomer looked to the ground, no longer able to keep eye contact with the three as he continued. "She is now to be found in shackles in the dungeons of our hills."

Legolas got filled with rage of the news and without blinking he lifted his bow, aiming an arrow directly between the eyes of Èomer.

"You are to die, are you not to release her!", he threatened, making Gimli and Aragorn share an ill warned look.

"I wish it was my decision to make, elf friend.", Èomer's eyes were filled with regret as he looked directly at the arrowhead.

"Which is why we were hoping to gain the help of my dear friends", a calming voice was heard a couple of horses down. A familiar voice.

An old, white haired figure appeared amongst the riders, making the three companions smile in astonishment.

"Oh Gandalf!", Gimli exclaimed with joy, making the wizard smile as he dismounted his horse.

Legolas returned his bow to his back, put a hand to his heart and bowed his head to his before lost companion.

"But you fell", Aragorn said with wonder as he placed a caring hand on Gandalf shoulder.

Athëa - Queen of the SavagesWhere stories live. Discover now