The Games of a Decieter

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Athëa had risen from the bed as soon as she was sure that Legolas had fallen back to sleep. He was healing much quicker than she had dared to hope for, and he would be ready for traveling in the morning.

But at this moment she had other more urgent matters on her mind. She had called to Sauron from the fiery shadows, revealing herself to him. This was the last thing she wished to do, but it needed to be done.

He was coming for her, wether she wished for it or not. Her soon coming encounter with the evil master was inevitable and rather it be on her grounds than his, though now as she felt him coming closer, she wanted nothing but to run and hide. Though mostly from herself.

Athëa walked to the tiny wooden door in the wall and grabbed the torn handle. She stood there for a while, gathering strength to face whatever was to come on the other side.

She opened the door slowly and the cool night air caressed her face, as if to comfort the frightened savage queen. The tall trees seemed to go on forever in the darkness, only revealed by the orange light from the open door.

She took a step forward, escaping the warmth of the small sanctuary and looked up into the starry sky.

She felt the air around her grow heavy, as her shoulders sank and her legs gave in. The earth crumbled beneath her feet and the trees surrounding her began shaking harder and harder until they blurred together with the stars in the sky. Up became down and down became up, as she started falling into the twinkling abyss above her.

The air around her slowly became warmer and finally engulfed her in a loving hug as she no longer could distinguish which way she was facing. The sparkling orbs danced around her, faster and faster until it all became a white blur.

...and then she found herself emerging from the star filled pool once again.

She felt the mossy ground beneath her naked feet as the water cascaded from her wet hair to form a small pool around her. She took a deep breath and focused on the scenery in front of her as she felt his presence.

"You have been so clever all these years," the fire eyed ellon stepped out from behind the trees. "...escaping my grasp only to give it up for the life of a mere ellon! Ha! Had I known you to be that easily persuaded, my love, I would have killed Thranduilion many moons ago!", he walked towards her naked form, like a predator towards it's prey.

But Athëa stood in silence, not even turning to look at the king of evil.

"So, my dear savage queen," he said her title with mocking in his voice. "How does it feel to give up everything you have built? To change your hearts desire and give in to what you have been running away from most of your life? To have given such hope to the race of men, only to tear your own facade and give them the final push into the fiery abyss?", Sauron laid a soft hand on her cheek and rested his beautiful features on the crown of her head.

Athëa didn't move nor did she flinch under the demeaning touch of his taunting words. Though he spoke calmly, she could feel the anger in his voice. She knew him all to well for him to hide his emotions from her.

"You can only escape the inevitable for so long, before giving in.", she turned calmly to rest her forehead on his.

"...and to be honest, my dear..." she said. "Though I have been running from this faith, to  finally give in to your will... it feels like coming home", her sinister smile never fading as she pulled him closer and kissed him deeply.

Sauron's eyes kept closed as Athëa pulled away slightly to look at his beautiful face. Though she had been the one in pain for all these years, she could see the long anticipated release the hand of Morgoth now felt from finally having her back in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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