A Tenth Companion

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The trees grew higher and higher the deeper the fellowship got into the woods, and now Frodo could no longer see the sky through the branches.

His heart felt heavy from the loss of Gandalf. He had know and loved the wizard as long as he could remember. For some reason the ring grew heavier around his neck, now Gandalf was no longer there to help him through the pain of the burden.

"Be cautious, young Hobbits. They say a great sorceress lives in these woods. An Elf witch of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell and are never seen again" Gimli held a hand out in front of Frodo and Sam.

Athëa would have smiled at the dwarfs innocent ignorance, was it not for the angst rumbling in her own stomach. She had spent much of her youth in this realm, and now she would prefer the Balrog in the mountain, rather than have an encounter with the Lady of the light. The guilt of her last departure from this realm weighted so heavy on her heart, that she almost forgot the fact that Legolas had ignored her presence since the mountain. She had fallen further and further behind the rest of her companions, hoping to Eru that the others wouldn't notice.

As from nowhere a league of elves clad in grey had encircled the fellowship, and now the companions found themselves surrounded. Arrows pointing at them from all sides.

"The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark", a silver haired ellon appeared in front of the group.

"Haldir", Aragorn said, holding a hand to his heart and bowing slightly in respect.

"Mae govannen, Aragorn Elessar a Legolas Thranduilion" Haldir returned the gesture.

Legolas followed Haldir's eyes as he scanned the rest of the fellowship. He saw the elves lowering their bows when realizing that the fellowship was of no threat to them. Not to his surprise the elven marchwarden formed a frown upon his face when his eyes returned to the Dwarf, but seemingly allowed Gimli's presence despite his obvious detest.

"What an odd group of eight", Haldir ascertained looking back at Legolas, making the ellon take another look over the fellowship, his eyes not finding who they were searching for.

Legolas leaned to the man at his side and whispered a question more so than a statement: "Athëa is no longer amongst us."


The soothing smell of wood and humid soil, hung thick in the damp air as the fellowship walked up the spiralling stairs of a great and tall tree. The divine beauty of the city of Lotlórien had left the hobbits in awe, so much that they almost forgot to follow the grey clad Elf leading them to the Lady of the Light.

They followed Haldir to a great, open hall, covered in carved wooden frames entangled in wild growing branches and white flowers. A comforting light surrounded the Lady as she and her husband Celeborn appeared in front of the fellowship. Her beauty exceeded any other being in Middle Earth, which made her presence demand the attention of all.

"Eight there are here, yet nine there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him." Celeborn interrupted the silence, making Boromir wake from his hypnotized state from looking upon Galadriel.

Legolas knees turned weak as he felt Galadriel pierce his mind, making speech unnecessary.

"He has fallen into shadow.", she said at the obviously devastating realisation. "The Quest stands upon the edge of knife. Stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains while the company is true.", her eyes locked with Boromir's.

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