The Silver Eared Elleth

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In this moment there was nothing but her.

The feel of her sylphlike frame leaning against him as he passionately forced her closer. Her shivering breath and the silky touch of her warm lips on his. The soothing scent of her filling his nostrils, as he hungrily breathed her in.

Nothing but her.

At first Athëa was frozen by his touch but soon an overpowering hunger flooded over her, and she returned his kiss.

He felt her hands find their way to the sides of his face and her fingers gently tangle themselves in his hair.

For a moment he had to open his eyes, to make sure that it was really so and that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him, as it had done so many times before. But this was real, with mind and body he knew that it was.

Until it wasn't.

Athëa put a hand on his chest, pushing herself away from him, with a worried look in her face.

"Legolas...", she said with a whimper. "I... I cannot give in to this temptation you present to me. I mustn't."

Legolas felt his emotions change from ecstasy to anguish as he realized the meaning of her words. But he wouldn't let go of her, he couldn't let go of her.

She removed his arms that were still wrapped around her waist and stood up with an apologetic look on her face.

He watched as she turned to walk away and he felt his heart wither in his chest. The aching in his chest became more and more aggravating with every step she took away from him.

"I know you feel it to!", he exclaimed, demanding her to stop with the regal sound in his voice.

She stood silent, with her back still turned to him. He dared take a few steps closer, though he was frightened with every step, that she would fly away like a scared bird.

"My fëa is drawn to you, longing for you. And though you try to hide it with every sense of your being, I know you feel the same!", he continued.

He watched the moon shine in her silver hair as her shoulders sank. But she still did not turn around to face him.

"You talk of purpose, yet you deny to see this purpose, though it be given by the Gods. Your fëa is drawn to me, because we are meant to be!", his voice was becoming more and more pleading, though he still spilled every heartfelt word with might.

"The Gods make mistakes sometimes", she replied softly, with her head turned down, talking more to herself than to him.

But when he reached and grabbed her arm, she turned fast with anger, yet anguish shone in her eyes.

"Don't you understand, Legolas!? By Eru our paths were never meant to cross!", she ripped herself from his hand. "The plan the Gods have for you and I is not the same, and our individual purpose is much greater than any love we might come to have for each other!"

She saw the hurt in his eyes as she hopelessly tried to mask her own. She turned and ran back to the trees, leaving him alone by the water. She didn't dare look back at him, though she wanted nothing else in that moment, than to do so.


Frodo was walking aimlessly through the darkness of the night and the trees. The ring had gotten heavier and heavier around his neck, and he was starting to feel its power poisoning his mind.

The ring made him neurotic, he knew it and he felt it, making it impossible for him to trust himself let alone the others of the fellowship.

He suddenly turned and looked frantically around, with the feeling that he was being watched. But he saw nothing but trees.

Athëa - Queen of the SavagesWhere stories live. Discover now