chapter 24.

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I woke up early in the morning Soo stressed up , thank goodness today was my day off , I had asked Gina to look after the company.

I stroded downstairs but I couldn't find Aden , I guess he must have left.

I was Soo bored ,I went into his study and decided to see if maybe I could find something to read.

I began to go through every single thing in his study, but something caught my eyes, it was a glove that makes music when you shake it, I took it and shaked it, it began to make a pleasant music , but suddenly I heard someone call me , I was frightened and mistakenly dropped it and it broke into pieces.

What have you done.

Aden am sorry it was a mistake.

Mistake ..??

Am sorry , I didn't mean to do that , I was frightened by your call and that's why it slipped out of my hands mistakenly.

Pls stop giving me excuses, what were you doing here in the first place and why were you going through everything here.

I couldn't believe Aden was saying this, am I not allowed here,  I managed to ask.

You know , going through peoples things without their permission is a serious offence., If you hadn't been Soo nosy maybe you wouldn't have broke the most precious thing in my life.

The most precious thing, I asked while sobbing slowly,

Yes this is very precious to me. You look so stupid right now.

You know what, I don't even know why am here with you, maybe I should have listened to Adam he was right , Being with someone different from you was stupid, if you know I wasn't precious and that thing was the most precious thing in your life, why didn't you marry it and keep it with you , why did you marry me and make me be with you , I am regretting the day I ever made the decision of being with you, fuck you and that thing.

I blurted out and turned my back and left, I went into my room and pack some few clothes in my back pack .

Madam where are you going.

I am leaving this place.

But madam , boss needs you, you're his mate and wife.

No , I think there was some sort of mistake , I don't wanna be here in any minute more, he can spend time with his thing I don't even know what it is, tell him I said goodbye.

           Kaltain ran up to Aden immediately,.

Boss ,boss.

What is it kaltain.

Kaltain what is it.

Speak up and don't waste my time.

Madam has left.

To where.

I don't know , but she says she don't wanna be here anymore and she took some of her clothes and left.

Why didn't you stop her.

Boss I tried to but she persisted.

    Aden immediately pushed kaltain aside and ran outside he took his silhouette and rode off looking both right and left to see if he will find Victoria

Aden what's have you done.

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