chapter 25

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Aden drove as fast as he could while looking both sides insearch of Victoria.
Finally he spotted her, he packed his car immediately and stepped down .

He rushed towards her .

Wifey , where.....

Don't call me that am not your wife anymore.

What do you mean .

It's true ,because if I really am your wife ,you wouldn't compare me to that thing .

Wifey am sorry about that, I was just angry ,it's a vampire thing ,when we get angry ,we can't control ourselves anymore and our vampire sides take over.

Aden please just let me be , it's clear you don't want me anymore.

How could you say that.i know I have been busy lately but that dosent mean I don't want you.

Leave me alone please .

   Victor continued to struggle to get out of Aden's grip .

Victoria stop you're going to hurt yourself please .

Victoria struggled and struggled till her hands mistakenly slipped away from Aden's grip and she fell onto the road, suddenly  a light flashed in front of her , oh no a car was coming towards her in full speed, she didn't know what to do but  to stand up and before she could think of anything , she felt her self tumble on the ground , everything blacked out.

Wifey can you hear me , please wake up , .

Aden picked her up and rushed her to the hospital immediately while subbing quietly.

The doctor's took over and took her to the operation room .

             30 minutes later.

The doctor came out with a sad face.

Doctor is she ok .

Am sorry to say but am not sure if she will make it with your child.


Yes , she's your wife right.

Yes she is.

She's pregnant and right now she is in a bad state and am not sure she and the child will survive it.

My wife is pregnant.
Doctor can I see her.

Yes she is in room 201.

Ok ,thank you.

Aden went up straight to room 201 , he opened the door and went in. He saw Victoria on bed .


She didn't respond.

He went closer to her.
Her breathing wasn't stable , if these doctors won't save her ,then he would.
He took a small knife from the desk in the room and cut his hand .

He opened Victoria's mouth and spilled his blood into her  mouth.

Get well soon my love. Was all he said before he turned his back and left.

My Vampire MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora