Christian walks up to the board and writes vertically;

Z - Zoomastigina

A - Apicomplexa

C - Ciliophora

P - Phaeophyta

R - Rhodophyta

E - Euglenophyta

R - Rhizopoda

C - Chlorophyta

O - Oomycota

" Well that's nice, everyone please copy this and if you have any ideas for abbreviating the other kingdoms, please share." He commends with a genuine smile, " Back to Prototista, can I have some tangible characteristics?"

Ciarra was the only one who seemed to have heard his question and bothered to answer .

From prototista, they moved to prokaryotae but right after drawing the bacteria and explaining parts of it briefly, the bell for recess goes off and the class suddenly becomes rowdy as people begin to exit the class.

" Please read over because these things are very vital in your studies. Especially the spellings!" Mr Simon calls over the ruckus,
" Losing marks on them will lead to crucial reduction in your grades!"

Ciarra sighs and shook her head at him. He was obviously trying too hard.

He called the class president and Ciarra and handed a couple of sheets to them and explained their purpose before leaving.

Heather walks up to her friend and sits in the seat of Lily who sat infront of Ashanti.

Her head was still on the table and she was far asleep, even her ponytail was loose today with a few strands hanging over her face.

Heather places both arms on the headrest of Lily's chair and rests her head on it whiles starring at Ashanti's sleeping form.

She reaches out and pushed the loose strands away from her eyes and Ashanti wakes up.

" Hey sleepyhead, it's recess. You have rehearsals with Ivy remember?" Heather reminds her.

" Oh... that." She groans and closed her eyes again.

" Listen, I'll be doing all your chores for you tomorrow. Just do me a favor." Heather requests and Ashanti opens her eyes out of curiosity.

" What?"

" Get some rest and I mean it." Heather says sternly.

" I can't let you do that." Ashanti protests.

" You can't cheat nature you know, I need you to promise me that you're going to wake up with the rising bell and not before it." Heather coerces

" I really can't do that, my body is so used to it that I wake up against my own accord."

" But at least lie down when you wake up, it's another form of rest."

" Fine, but really, can you handle cleaning fifty louver blades and twenty pews in addition to the staff bathroom...and what about your own chores?" Ashanti inquires.

" I've got this. Trust me."

" I do trust you but those louvre blades aren't original and are therefore fragile. If you break one, you'll have to buy an entire pack of it according to the school's policy for vandalism. " Ashanti cautions her, " Even though I can afford it, my grandma would notice and she claims she's trying to teach me management so I don't have the liberty to pay so much from my account."

" Why would she give you a limited amount when she knows nobody will be visiting you until vacation."

" As I said, I'm learning management skills. I wasted a lot a few years ago so it's my punishment." She elaborates and slowly takes her head off her desk.

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