A Road Between Two Churches

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps some water?"

Levi's stomach let out a sickly growl. "Toilet! Food would be a blessing. I've not eaten since this morning, and I'm about to shit out whatever I did eat." He paused and realized whom he was talking to. "Sorry, Father."

"Fear not. If you're looking for blessings, you've come to the right place. There is a room for you to wash up, and a study room where you may rest. I'll bring food and water, and you look like you could use some wine. You are welcome and safe here, my son."

Levi stepped more into the church, following Father Uri. He glanced into the nave to see how many people were praying. Instantly, his shoulders stiffened as he saw familiar gray uniforms with swastikas.

He hissed out a breath. "You have Nazis here?"

"All are welcome in the House of God." Father Uri glanced to where the soldiers were praying. "Well, God welcomes them, at least. The nearby castle is frequently used by Germans. Most of them fled days ago, but a few haven't yet left."

Levi felt his heart racing. All over again, he felt the fear of being discovered as a Jew. That afternoon's momentary euphoria of freedom was slipping away.

He continued on to a room where he could use the toilet and wash up. Levi rushed in and barely made it before his bowels purged out everything. He cursed himself. Drinking creek water like that had been a novice mistake, he knew better, but he was not thinking clearly yet. Everything that had happened since yesterday's slaughter was still a daze, not yet fully sinking in.

No, even before that. Everything since Eren confessed his feelings. Everything since he was raped. Everything since the Germans invaded his country and murdered his wife and unborn child. None of it had fully sunk in yet. He wondered if it ever would.

After his guts felt like absolutely nothing else was let inside, Levi set about washing up. He was glad that he could rinse himself off in a large basin, using a towel and soap to wash as much road dirt and mud off of him as he could. He stepped out feeling better.

He was shown to a study room where a plate was set out with a fish, a loaf of bread, a dollop of butter, and a wedge of cheese. Levi gladly ate, and the priest gave him both water and a goblet of wine.

"You look like you've been traveling for a while," he said. "You also seem to be frightened of our German guests."

Levi muttered, "I've had some bad experiences with Nazis."

"A Jew?" he guessed.

Levi froze mid-bite and looked up with narrowed eyes. "Would you kick me out if I said yes?"

"Of course not. Just because you do not acknowledge Christ, you are still a child of God, one of His chosen people."

"Chosen to be Hitler's punching bag," Levi grumbled.

"You said you are seeking sanctuary from the Nazis."

Levi shrugged as he ate some cheese. "If I have to. I would rather not put your church into trouble, though, especially if you have Nazis on the inside."

"God protects us all here, my son. Where are you headed, to wander into a country and not even realize it?"

Levi stared off, thinking about that question. "I don't know where I'm going anymore. I was a prisoner of the Nazis since May, conscripted to be their translator while they were in northern France. I watched my companions die, one by one, tortured, raped, executed. They kept me alive purely to translate as they rode through Belgium. Today I managed to escape. No," he whispered. "Not escape. He left me behind." Levi paused as he remembered the sight of Eren galloping away from him. "I wonder if he did it on purpose."

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