Plus Jamais

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Levi awoke still in the soft, warm bed. He heard singing coming from far away, and whatever nightmare he had been reliving that night melted with the light lyrics. Even though he did not speak the language, he smiled just hearing Eren's melodic voice.

(the video above is the song)

Dein ist mein ganzes Herz! Wo du nicht bist, kann ich nicht sein.
So, wie die Blume welkt, wenn sie nicht küsst der Sonnenschein!
Dein ist mein schönstes Lied, weil es allein aus der Liebe erblüht.
Sag mir noch einmal, mein einzig Lieb, oh sag noch einmal mir:
Ich hab' dich lieb!

Wohin ich immer gehe, ich fühle deine Nähe.
Ich möchte deinen Atem trinken und betend dir zu Füßen sinken,
dir, dir allein!
Wie wunderbar ist dein leuchtendes Haar!
Traumschön und sehnsuchtsbang ist dein strahlender Blick.
Hör ich der Stimme Klang, ist es so wie Musik.

Dein ist mein ganzes Herz...

My heart is all yours! I cannot be where you are not.
Just as the flower wilts when the sunshine does not kiss it!
Yours is my most beautiful song because it blossoms out of love alone.
Tell me one more time, my one and only love, oh tell me one more time:
I love you!

Wherever I go I feel your closeness
I want to drink your breath and sink at your feet praying,
you, you alone!
How wonderful is your shiny hair!
Your radiant look is dreamy and longing.
If I hear the sound of the voice, it's like music.

My heart is all yours...

# # #

Eren finished the song and finally came out of the bathroom wearing only his trousers, patting dry the cheeks he had just shaved.

"Sorry if I woke you," he said. "You can use my razor."

Levi watched him drying his face. "For someone who was so drunk you were hallucinating about monsters, you sure recover quickly."

Eren chuckled and tossed the towel aside. "My men hated that about me. We'd go out drinking in Paris, they'd wake up with some ugly girl and sick with Filzläuse, while I woke up with no aftereffects. I guess I'm lucky." Eren paused and looked Levi over. "I am so sorry about yesterday. I didn't know the wardrobe locked like that. It must have been humiliating."

"It was," he snapped. "It was cramped, it stank of dirty shoes and piss, and I'll be lucky if I don't develop a bladder infection. Still, you were trying to hide me. I'd rather be locked in a closet than shot. Besides," he grumbled, "it's not the first time I've had to hide in a cramped place until I pissed."

Eren nodded, accepting that as Levi's cantankerous form of forgiveness. "Also, in the bathtub." Eren's face already began to turn red. "I got carried away."

"It wasn't just you," Levi grumbled.

"I didn't want to disrespect you."

Levi raised an eyebrow. Was that what he worried about?

"I climbed into the tub, and you didn't want me to. I held on even as you tried to get away." Eren dropped his head in humble regret. "I am so sorry."

A plaintive smile came to Levi's mouth. "You idiot. If I really didn't want it, do you think you'd be able to get away with it?"

Eren slowly raised his head.

Levi assured him, "You weren't disrespectful. You were trying to get a point across. Maybe I'm a bit too stubborn and need someone to slam me against a wall, or crush me into a hug in the bathtub."

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